daily word - my plan

Dale Cresap's picture

You are confident that I have a plan for your life. Do you see that only in response to the gospel message and salvation? Do you think the plan is very general or very specific? If you ask for directions to go somewhere you can get either type of answer, and you can give such answers to those who inquire of you. Do you think that every step must be correct? Do you experience stress in your own life thinking that you may have stepped off the correct path? You probably have, so you can relax. The detours are not as important as you may think.

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daily word - two-way prayer?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of prayer as one-way or two-way communication? You are familiar with many examples of both types. One-way communication is also called broadcast, and lends itself to passive reception. Two-way communication is interactive, so it could be considered a conversation or exchange. Which do you find more rewarding? Which do you think I find more rewarding? Someone skilled at conversation is sensitive to social cues, so they know when to speak up and when to be silent. Do you apply this same principle to your prayers, and know when it is time to listen?

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daily word - escape or endure?

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised that no temptation would overtake you that you would not be able to bear, but that I would provide a way of escape. Do you like this part? But the passage goes on to say, that you may be able to bear it. Are you less enthusiastic about this part? Does it seem that I have joined two concepts that appear to contradict one another? Escaping and bearing seem to be opposites. Could both be true? Have you ever endured a difficult situation and gone straight through it rather than around it, and yet found a place of refuge in your faith that made it bearable?

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daily word - questions

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Do you have questions for me? Are there things about the future you want to know? Have you found that I don’t normally give you more details in advance than you need? What about your current life situation? Do you ask me why I don’t put an end to the difficulties you face? If you want answers to your questions, structure them and position yourself in a way that facilitates the answer. If you approach this matter from the perspective of what you may learn and how you may grow from what you experience you are more likely to find meaning and purpose in it, and have your question answered.

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daily word - database?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you keep a list of people who have hurt you? This doesn’t have to be a formal database with you as the administrator. Who can resist keeping accounts of wrongs suffered, and who has inflicted them? Do you also keep a list of those you have hurt? Most people are much more lax in attending to this. Are you aware of who should be on the list? They are. You could view this as an indicator of spiritual maturity. You start out aware of your own concerns. The more you advance the more you expand your circle of awareness to include the viewpoints of others.

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daily word - priorities

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I taught my followers that if they came to offer a gift on my altar and remembered that their brother had an issue with them, that they should set their gift aside and go and be reconciled to their brother and then return to offer their gift. Have you ever had a conflict between taking care of business and doing spiritual activities? Is it easier to offer your gift on the altar and interact with me than it is to deal with the messy relationship issues you have with other people? But that is the point. I gave this lesson to establish priorities.

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daily word - acts of God

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Have you heard of certain things referred to as acts of God? What do these usually consist of? Floods, earthquakes, extreme storms and other things that cause devastation? Do you hear of anything else referred to as an act of God? This may be a convenient approach in a legal sense where blame cannot be assigned to an individual, but this approach appears to give me an undeserved bad reputation. Are you willing to use this concept and terminology in a positive sense as well? What benevolent things are you willing to attribute to me? Is there anything that could be excluded?

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daily word - private prayer?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever engaged in competitive prayer? Perhaps you don’t think of prayer as a competitive event, but have you ever been in a meeting where prayers are offered publicly, and there seems to be a sense of escalation where one prayer tries to out-do the previous one? Does this make you wonder if the prayers are really directed to me or if they are for the benefit of others present?

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daily word - productive?

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Do you think of productive time as time spent making money? But you do necessary and worthwhile things that do not produce an income. So there can be value in non-monetary activities. What about rest? You know that you can’t survive without sleep, and the fact that I created the day and the night is a recognition of this. What about play? You can argue that this is not productive, but nearly everyone does it. Do you admire those few who do not as having superior lives to those who do? Play for adults is more often referred to as recreation. Does your time of recreation re-create you?

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daily word - divine justice?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard a courtroom analogy used for the final judgment? In this case you are the defendant, the accuser is the prosecutor, the Father is the judge, and I am your defense attorney. This is a common way to present divine justice. You expect to win with me on your side, but do you find this model in the Bible? Is the real purpose of my justice to render a verdict on guilt or innocence, or is it to bring about your transformation? In keeping with the courtroom analogy, how effective are courts on earth at doing this? Can you imagine another version that would be more effective?

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