daily word - presentation

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you effective at persuading other people? Since you have the message of life you don’t get to opt out, even if you don’t consider yourself to be gifted in this area. Some people are better than others at this, but there are guidelines that everyone can follow. Have you ever been attacked and humiliated? Did you find this persuasive or did it trigger a defensive reaction in you to cling to what you knew even if it was wrong? Other people experience the same thing. Do you admire boldness in the presentation of the gospel? Do you also admire humble entreaty, patience and forbearance?

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daily word - prophets

Dale Cresap's picture

I looked at the multitudes and saw sheep without a shepherd and it broke my heart. What do you see? Truth is timeless and eternal, but every generation needs a prophet to declare the ancient truth. Who could you identify as being the current voice in your generation, and those from times past? In this regard do not limit your consideration to those at the head of organizations; to those who hold offices and titles. If you look at the Biblical example you will see that prophets are outsiders rather than insiders. Consider John the Baptist, and of course, me.

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daily word - elect?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the idea of the chosen and elect? So do I. So how can you tell them from others? You could look for those who lay down their life, and pick up their cross and follow me. You could look for those who have been sifted like wheat, and submitted to the refiner’s fire. You could look at those who always bear about my death in their own bodies. What about those who are last, being a spectacle unto me, and to angels, and to men; the off-scouring of the world, yet those of whom the world was not worthy? So there really are the chosen and elect.

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daily word - money in heaven?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passage that promises that in return for your faithful generosity, I will open the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing on you? (See Malachi 3). Do you assume that this means a financial blessing, that in return for giving money you will get money in return? A reasonable reading of the passage would suggest that you will have whatever is in heaven poured out on you. Doesn’t that conclusion follow? So what are the contents of heaven? Is heaven full of money? If I poured the contents of heaven on you now would you be disappointed if it wasn’t money?

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daily word - arrive on time

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you ever discouraged at your current state of advancement, and the slow rate at which you are making progress? If you take a journey you can estimate your arrival time by doing a time, rate, and distance calculation. If you know your current position and how far you have to go and your rate of travel you can figure it out. Your spiritual journey does not lend itself to such easy calculations. Do not despair at what you see as a lack of progress, or your slow rate of moving ahead. As long as you are consciously engaged in the journey I will get you where you need to be in time.

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daily word - money

Dale Cresap's picture

Everyone likes money, but you know that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, so some believers have a conflicted relationship to it. Money is a hindrance for many. If it is not for you I can open the windows of heaven and pour it out on you as a blessing. The Bible speaks strongly against exploiting the poor in their wages. I care more about the absolute condition of the poor than I do about the disparity between the rich and the poor, for the rich will be with you always, even as the poor will. Can you acquire wealth in a way that does not diminish the poor?

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daily word - celebrities?

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Do you know any celebrities? Some countries have official royalty, and those that don’t have celebrities which are unofficial royalty. The term implies celebration. Are there some people whose accomplishments are so great that you should honor them or throw a party for them whenever you see them? What sort of accomplishments are worthy of this? Academic and intellectual? Military heroes? Athletes? Entertainers? Do you know of anyone with spiritual achievement who is considered a celebrity? Perhaps your culture has a distorted view of what really matters.

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daily word - hear my voice

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I said that my sheep would hear my voice. How do you hear my voice? Do you expect an audible voice in a rich baritone? Have you ever gotten that? What about your own imagination or unexpected thoughts? Would you recognize these as being from me? What about events in your life, especially when a series of multiple, independent, unlikely events converge in your favor? Do you think of this as random serendipity, or do you think there is divine purpose behind it? What if this happens all the time? Do such occasions capture your awareness and make you ponder?

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daily word - learn for life

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What was your motivation for going to school? To pass the courses assigned to you and graduate? This would be expected in a compulsory system, but a better motivation would be the value of the information and skills presented, and how they will improve the rest of your life. Do you realize that your education continues beyond formal enrollment? At that point you are no longer constrained by academic credit for graduation. Do you see yourself as a lifelong student? Do you see the Holy Spirit as your teacher who will lead you into all truth?

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daily word - gifts and investments

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know the difference between giving and investing? Investors expect a return, and those giving gifts do not. Or do they? The Bible speaks of both gifts and investments, but as separate categories. Have you ever received a gift with strings attached, in which you felt obligated to reciprocate, or even worse, were carrying some undefined debt against a future claim? Have you ever done this to anyone else? Is it easy to tell the difference between this and a gift that is freely given?

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