daily word - hardest thing

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What message from the Bible is the most difficult to implement in the culture in which you live? How about turning the other cheek, and resisting not evil, and going an additional mile when you were only compelled to go one? If you were to approach the Bible from the perspective of your culture rather than the other way around, would you consider this to be cowardice? Have you ever seen anyone do this? Did it appear to be cowardly of them? Do you make a distinction between taking the path of least resistance and being intentional and deliberate in the way you express love?

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daily word - Special?

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Are you special? Everyone wants to be special, and in their own way, they are. The problem is that everyone really wants to be more special, so their own uniqueness is not enough. This creates a competition and hierarchy. The underlying problem is one of insecurity. If you don’t know who you are, and don’t know that you are accepted and loved just the way you are, then you will be looking for an identity and trying to make it superior to the identity of others.

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daily word - fair wages?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live in a culture of capitalism and commerce in which you pay for what get, and get what you pay for? The same principle applies to getting paid and paying others. Are you familiar with the story of the workers in the vineyard, where the owner of the vineyard agreed to terms with those who reported to work early, and other workers joined in the effort throughout the day and even toward the end? Yet the owner paid them all the same, and those who started early complained that it was unfair to them. This economic model does not fit your culture, but I told the story for a reason.

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daily word - ultimate reality?

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Do you believe in ultimate reality? The Bible teaches that in me you live and move and have your being. It also says that in me all things exist. It is one thing for you to accept this reality as it applies to you. Can you make the leap to apply it to all things and all people? How would you view outsiders to your faith if you did? Do you currently view them as enemies? The Bible also speaks of those who are in darkness. Perhaps instead of being enemies or intrinsically evil they are subject to an ultimate reality of which they have no awareness.

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daily word - firsthand

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When you listen to someone present a message or an opinion, can you tell if they are repeating something they have heard from others, or if it is something they have personally lived? Which has more impact on you? There is a quality of personal engagement and involvement that cannot be duplicated by simply passing along information, even if it is true. Do you suppose the same effect works in the things that you present, that it is obvious whether it is second-hand information  or firsthand experience?

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daily word - lying to yourself

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Do you recognize that lying is a sin? Do you think this is limited to not telling the truth to other people? Do you ever lie to yourself? This can be subtle in assuming that your intentions are more noble than they really are, or entertaining expectations about your future plans you know are unrealistic. Have you seen this happen in other people, that they are oblivious to the fact that their true life bears no resemblance to the way they imagine it? Everyone can see it but them. So if this were the case with you would you know it?

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daily word - reaction?

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Do you ever surprise yourself? If you consider yourself to be easy-going and accepting, have you ever had strong reactions against things and wondered where they came from? The things that you react against can tell you things about yourself you didn’t know. If you really have all your issues resolved then you deprive provocations of their power over you to make you react. Being reactionary is not beneficial for you, so when you see this response arise in yourself you could take it as an invitation to examine yourself and let go of the access point that opens the door for reaction.

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daily word - rage?

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How often do you experience outrage? Do you make a distinction between outrage and rage? This would be a distinction without a difference. Do you think there are situations that demand it? You could be right, but is your rage a part of an effective solution to the problem? It rarely is. If it isn’t, then this rage is a burden you can’t bear. There are those who are chosen vessels who have the calling and the grace to respond effectively to situations of injustice without letting it consume their souls. For tasks that are not given to you, avoid walking on the path that leads to rage.

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daily word - belief and humanity

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Do you have strong beliefs? Are they limited to essential Bible doctrine, or have you added other things as well? You can live your life according to beliefs that you have not formally expressed. Do you think of your commitment to your beliefs to be above any other consideration, such as the humanity of those you encounter? What do you see in my life? I commended the Good Samaritan for his kindness in spite of his incorrect doctrine. I commended the loving or faithful actions of those who were outside of the house of Israel regardless of what they believed.

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daily word - pondering

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Do you meditate? This has been a Biblical practice going back as far as Old Testament times. Do you think of meditation as analysis, or as protracted background thinking about things you have studied? Do you think meditation takes place more in your head or in your heart, or are there different versions of it? It is recorded that after Mary received some amazing news from an angel she pondered these things in her heart. She couldn’t really share this news widely. This isn’t a story you would buy from anyone else.

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