daily word - fall on your sword?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of the Bible referred to as a sword? This reference to a sharp instrument is within the Bible itself, and some churches routinely refer to the Bible this way. A sword is typically thought of as a weapon to be used against others. Have you ever heard of someone falling on their sword? This phrase is also in the Bible and refers to a soldier using his sword to take his own life. So do you use your Bible primarily against yourself or against others?

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daily word - unspoken apologies

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand the importance of forgiveness? The Bible gives this so much emphasis that believers realize the need to seek forgiveness when they require it and to grant it when it is asked of them. This would seem to cover all situations, but what do you do when someone needs your forgiveness and refuses to seek it? Is this a situation in which you must withhold forgiveness? In this case are you restrained from acting or can you accept an apology that you never received?

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daily word - looking forward

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you lived long enough to revisit your values and reconsider them? Have they shifted to ones that serve you better? This is a good thing. Did the whole path of your life support your current values? Do you look back and think that you have wasted much of your life in things that didn’t benefit you? I don’t want you to live in despair for a past you cannot change, and regret for things that seem wasted, or worse, detrimental to progress. Do you recall that I was the stone that the builders rejected that became the cornerstone?

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daily word - love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that you are to love your enemies? Do you understand that love is the central characteristic of your faith, and that you are to express it for everyone? So the expression of your love should not be limited to your enemies, but that does define the extreme extent of your circle of love. The Bible assumes that you will love your friends, and associate with those of your own tribe and economic status, who can repay your generosity to them. Doing so is not an acknowledgement of a transcendent reality, but loving your enemies is. How about loving everyone in between?

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daily word - grateful

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you live a life of gratitude? You know that this is the right thing for you, but is it your daily experience? You can work to earn money and you can study to gain knowledge. You can practice skills to improve your skills. What can you do to increase the expression of gratitude in your life? Do you understand that gratitude and expectations work in opposition to each other? You expect the world to work a certain way, and that people will treat you in the same manner that you treat them. Have you already experienced disappointment because of this?

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daily word - gratitude

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? This rhythmic phrase has become a popular proverb, but it has underlying substance. This is a good place to start, but not a good place to end. What concrete actions do you take to express your gratitude? What about the people in your life that you love; that you are closest to? Are you aware of how much your own life is enriched by contact with them? Do they know how grateful you are for them? How can they know if you don’t tell them? What about all the favorable circumstances and conditions in your life for which there is no person to thank?

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daily word - disciples

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the Great Commission? Do you refer to this work as evangelism? It tells you to go into all the world preaching the good news of the gospel to every creature. Evangelism is normally associated with making converts, but the Great Commission goes on to tell you to make disciples. Do you see these as being the same thing, or is making disciples a more demanding task than making converts? You have programs to follow with a systematic approach to presenting the gospel message. How do you go beyond that to encourage people to do their inner work to become disciples?

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daily word - virtue signal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you practice virtue signaling? If you say the right things you can give the impression of righteousness. This was a common practice in my time and I spoke out against it. I said that you should give your alms in secret and pray in secret rather than publicly to be seen by others and that your Father in heaven would reward you openly. Note that the emphasis here is on externals. Do you think this practice is less prevalent now than it was in my time? This is an enduring principle, to avoid the conflict between seeking the approval of men and doing things for my sake alone.

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daily word - commission

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the passage of scripture in which I was led by the Spirit into the wilderness? There I fasted, and was tempted. What else took place there? The text does not record it, but what changes do you notice in me afterward? The main message of my ministry was the Kingdom of God, and it was after I came back from the wilderness that I proclaimed this subject. So the wilderness experience for me was one of commissioning, although that term is not used.

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daily word - workaholic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know any workaholics? This derogatory term refers to those who are addicted to work. They don’t just have a strong work ethic, but derive their sense of worth and being from performance. Before you are too critical of them, consider that at least they are accomplishing something. What about those who worry, or are fearful, or angry? I said there was no benefit to worry because you could not add to your stature by doing so or even turn one hair white or black. Yet chronic worry comes at an enormous cost. Do you believe that the troubles of the day are sufficient thereof?

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