daily word - move on

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you prefer conditions and surroundings that are familiar and comfortable? Have you ever had a faith crisis? This can disturb your comfort and certainty. How do you respond? You would expect a crisis to be painful. When the pain of staying put is greater than the loss familiar and comfortable conditions it is time to move on. Will the future be painful as well? All you know from your point of departure is that it is uncertain. It could be better, and lead you to a larger and more generous place. Have you ever been through this cycle before? Do you regret moving on?

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daily word - Amen?

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In some churches it is common practice for members of the congregation to say amen during the preacher’s message, to express verbal assent to the message. This doesn’t happen constantly; just during points of emphasis, and typically for things the congregation fully accepts. Who doesn’t like to be confirmed in their certainties? If the message is one that raises a challenge to current thinking, it is more likely to be quiet in church. Which condition do you think represents a greater opportunity for spiritual growth? Consider my own ministry.

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daily word - parasites

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Have you ever had a parasite? These are unwelcome guests and you are fortunate if you have access to hygiene and medical care that makes them rare, for some can be fatal. Have you ever had a spiritual parasite? There are belief systems that fall short of the transcendent. They place crushing demands on you without offering any eternal perspective or mercy and grace to deal with the difficulties of everyday life, including your own shortcomings. Spiritual parasites can result in spiritual death. If you had a physical parasite you would go to great lengths to be rid of it.

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daily word - goalie?

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Have you ever played soccer? One person on each team is designated as the goalie, and it is the responsibility of the goalie to deflect shots at the goal. Even if you haven’t played soccer, have you ever encountered hostile or toxic words or thoughts? You could think of this the same way; that you need to deflect these things lest they be trapped in your net. David expressed the same concept as being a doorkeeper. The doorkeeper regulates admission; letting in those who are welcome and keeping out those who are undesirable.

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daily word - emotional budget

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Do you have money to invest? If you do, then you will find more investment opportunities available than you can respond to so you have to be selective in the way you allocate your resources. Even if you don’t have money for investment, you have a budget for emotional investment, and this too is a finite supply. You don’t want to go broke emotionally, so you have to be selective in your emotional investments. There are plenty of opportunities for outrage and injustices in the world and you can’t do justice to all of them at once.

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daily word - democracy?

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Do you live in a democracy? You are fortunate if you live in a place where you have basic freedoms and even a voice in your own government. Do you require this to lead your life of faith? Are you aware that I lived in a country occupied by a foreign power, and the Bible was written under these circumstances? Yet it still teaches you to be subject to governing authority. My primary message was the Kingdom of God, and when I was asked by the civil authorities I said that my Kingdom was not of this world. What does your faith require to thrive? Does it need a favorable government?

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daily word - democracy?

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Do you live in a democracy? You are fortunate if you live in a place where you have basic freedoms and even a voice in your own government. Do you require this to lead your life of faith? Are you aware that I lived in a country occupied by a foreign power, and the Bible was written under these circumstances? Yet it still teaches you to be subject to governing authority. My primary message was the Kingdom of God, and when I was asked by the civil authorities I said that my Kingdom was not of this world. What does your faith require to thrive? Does it need a favorable government?

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daily word - on a rock?

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I told a story about two houses, one built on rock and one built on sand. Do you understand that this was not really a story about architecture and building construction? Are you fragile? Is your life built on a foundation that will weather the storm? Houses can be destroyed by fire, earthquake, flood, and storm, but also by neglect. You don’t need to make exact parallels for each of these to realize that the foundation of your life matters, and that the structure of it can be threatened from multiple sources, within and without. So what does it mean to build your life on the rock?

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daily word - revenge?

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Are you ever tempted to seek revenge? Yet you know that vengeance is mine, and I will repay. This implies that you shouldn’t seek revenge yourself. Do you take comfort in the thought that I have more powerful resources at my disposal for vengeance than you do, and can do a better job? But what if I do not deploy these to your satisfaction? What if I show mercy where you would not? Will you criticize me for doing an inadequate job? Perhaps you should use my performance to evaluate your own intentions. If I display a bias for mercy then shouldn’t you prefer it as well?

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daily word - robust faith?

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Do you practice a robust faith? Is it hard to break, and able to resist challenges from without? What about challenges from within? Do you ever have doubts, or struggle to maintain your belief in the central doctrines of your church? Do your church and the world outside seem like two separate realms? Yet you have a foot in both worlds. Does your church strengthen your faith by challenging it, by teaching you how to deal with the dry and desolate times that come to all, and how to deal with your doubts?

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