daily word - fishing?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone fishing for compliments? Have you ever caught any? Everyone likes approval, but if you go looking for it you can put people in an awkward position and calls into question the sincerity of the compliments you get. This is a characteristic of an insecure person who can be controlled by those offering false flattery. Don’t give others undue influence over you by depending on their approval. You may not get as many compliments if you do not solicit them, but if your identity is secure then you don’t need as many, and those you receive spontaneously will be sincere.

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daily word - spiritual?

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What does the concept of spirituality make you think of? The doctrines of your church? The words of a creed? All people are created in my image and on this basis alone all are spiritual, so you may consider a broader definition, which can be applied to everyone. Can you view the spirituality of a person as the basic way they orient themselves toward that which is beyond them? There is a large gap between that and what you consider to be essential faith. But I promised that those who seek the truth would hear my voice. If they keep seeking they will get there.

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daily word - snap decisions?

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Are you quick to form your first reaction to situations you encounter? Are your first reactions full of mercy, grace, and love, or they more judgmental? Your reactionary brain is eager to provide answers and make connections that are immediate and wrong. Have you found that it takes intentional effort to stay engaged and take a more gracious look, and think of more benign explanations for what you see? So if you stay engaged, you can come up with more than one explanation. Which one is correct? Do not assume that you need to resolve every issue.

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daily word - normal comfort?

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Do you ever wish that things would get back to normal? There is a natural longing for the stable, predictable, and familiar. Yet this desire does not work in your favor, and a closer examination reveals why it is undesirable. Normal implies a static condition in which there is no change, growth, or progress. You are comfortable with familiar conditions, and uncomfortable with the unfamiliar. Yet it is under these conditions that growth occurs. Your comfort zone is not large enough for your life and your destiny.

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daily word - solitary

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Even for those who are already in prison, those in charge have the ability to impose more strict punishments. One of these is solitary confinement, keeping a prisoner isolated even from other prisoners, and this is considered a harsh penalty. This is a testimony of the power of my statement that it is not good for the man to be alone. It is better to be assigned any other prisoner as a cell mate than to be alone. Have you ever been alone even if it wasn’t externally imposed as a punishment? Have you observed others in isolation of their own making?

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daily word - learn from enemies?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you love your enemies? This is clearly required by my teachings. Do you regard this as the most difficult of all my commandments? How would you normally regard your enemies? As those who had nothing in common with you, and nothing of value for you? You may think of your friends as those who agree with you, but have you ever received acts of kindness or seen sacrificial giving from those who do not? Have you ever learned anything from those with an alternative viewpoint? So how can you love your enemies? You could start by seeing if there is anything that you could learn from them.

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daily word - sanctuary and platform

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Do you have an inner sanctum and an outer platform? You need some way to spend time with me for your own sanity and mental and spiritual cohesion, if nothing else. Could you survive without this direct connection? What do you gain by maintaining this relationship? Do you get more than just enough to hold yourself together? Do you also get wisdom and insights and encouragement that you can pass on to others? What do you do when you leave your secret place? Do you have a platform and audience from which you can pass along that which you have received? First you need a light.

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daily word - event or process?

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Do you see salvation as an event or a process? The conventional thinking on this is that it occurs in a moment, a status change that takes place as an event. Yet you are not to say, even in your heart, who shall ascend into heaven, and who shall descend into hell. So this is a question you don’t need to answer, for this is my domain. How shall you proceed with your own spiritual formation? I have given you some guidance on this. If you continue in my word you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

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daily word - real authority

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Do you learn by reading? Do you tell your friends about the things you learn in books that they too may benefit from the knowledge? Is there anything that you have read that you don’t have the right to declare? The freedom of speech means that you can say whatever you want, but have you ever heard someone say something that they got from reading only, with no life experience to back it up? How much impact does this message have? Consider the multitudes that marveled that I spoke with authority and not as the scribes and Pharisees. This is not to discourage you from reading.

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daily word - closet

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Do you have a prayer closet? My word refers to entering your closet to pray. You have a strong concept of the meaning of closet according to the type of house you live in. Do you think that the original audience for this statement was affluent enough and with advanced construction methods to have a separate enclosed room in their homes that they could enter and close the door for private solitude? This is a luxury if you have it. Not everyone does, even today. So what do you think it meant to the original audience?

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