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daily word - suffering

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you suffer afflictions? If you haven’t, you will, for this is a common human experience. The primary concern for those suffering is for their suffering to cease. They are highly motivated and what would have a higher priority? Have you ever been in this position? Have you called on me to end it and had less than complete success? You are familiar with the concept of consolation from the Bible. I do not promise to end your suffering, but I am with you in it, and if you are prepared to accept this from what you know of my life on earth, suffering alongside you.

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daily word - equality

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in equality? This is a common feature of many political systems. Does it go against your direct observations? Can you see that people vary not only in appearance, but also in resources and abilities, values and tastes, and every other dimension of humanity? So people are not inherently equal and the doctrine of equality requires some reflection, and an equalizer. For believers, the fact that all people are created by me and in that sense my children is the basis for ultimate equality and therefore political equality before the law.

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daily word - virtue signal?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of virtue signaling? Do you do it? There is a temptation to present yourself as morally superior, but I warned against doing this. I said that you should give your alms in secret so that even your left hand would not know what your right hand was doing, and that your prayers and religious symbols should not be for show. I promised that if you would do these things in secret then your heavenly Father would reward you openly. I also said that you should let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

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daily word - how to find me

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you expect to approach me? Is it through a clearly defined sequence of steps, like a well-designed study curriculum? Most things that you can learn have a program of some sort available and spirituality is no exception. The Bible refers to those whose knowledge of me is line upon line, and precept upon precept, but it does not say that this is the only approach or even the best approach. Could you also find me by feeling your way toward me? See Acts 17:27. If you are more familiar with the first method you may be surprised at how well this works.

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daily word - how to begin

Dale Cresap's picture

Where do you start a journey, at the beginning or at the end? This may seem obvious, but how many believers practicing evangelism start with the propositional truth claims of their doctrine? Whether these are true or not is not always the point. Their audience may not be far enough along to accept them. Another approach would be to listen to your audience to find out where they are, and then help them advance to the next step. Do you believe that those who seek the truth will hear my voice? Sometimes it takes them a long search.

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daily word - self-care

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that self-care is selfish; that it is self-indulgent to do something that doesn’t directly benefit anyone but you? It is not hard to find those who will level such an accusation against you. Do they commit every waking moment to selfless service of others? Have you ever heard the standard passenger briefing that in the event of a rapid decompression you should take care of your own oxygen needs before attending to those around you? In this way you can be a responder rather than a victim. Care for yourself that you may have the resources to care for others. 

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daily word - moral outrage?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever experienced righteous indignation and moral outrage? Are you sure? Everyone experiences outrage and indignation, but are yours righteous and moral? For these things to occur together is extremely rare, and it is easy to judge yourself lightly when you are making judgments that I would not make. What would truly righteous indignation look like? The righteous part would require a willingness to make a personal sacrifice to implement restorative rather than retributive justice.

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daily word - build

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a builder? Some people have an aptitude and a passion for building and others do not, but those who do generally don’t start from scratch. They use kits or plans, and obtain the appropriate materials for what they are building. It is generally obvious from the finished product if the builder used whatever materials were available. To extend the metaphor, you are building a life. Do you feel like you have all the special materials you need for this task, or does it feel like you are making do with what you can get your hands on?

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daily word - inner or outer

Dale Cresap's picture

I told you to stand fast therefore in the liberty in which I have made you free, do not be entangled again in the yoke of bondage. Do you see liberty coming in two versions, internal and external? Which do you think is more important? Which do you think this verse refers to? Do you get the sense that the yoke of bondage referred to in this passage refers to thought patterns, habits and prejudices that are holding you back from an abundant life? You are sensitive to encroachments on your external liberty, which limit your freedom of action.

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daily word - time to move

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone through a major life transition? You may postpone such experiences because the upheaval and disruption are so great, but that is the price you pay for moving into a situation that is better for you in the long term. So there is a tradeoff between short term pain and long term gain. The transition may not be as traumatic as you imagine it. It is more a matter of letting go of certainty to face the unknown. How do you know when the time is right to change? When the pain or restraint of staying put are greater than the risk of moving forward into an unknown future.

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