daily word - Comforter?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you reassured by the fact that the Holy Spirit is known as the Comforter? Yet it was this same Spirit that led me into the wilderness for 40 days to fast and be tempted by the accuser. Does this sound like your idea of comfort? So this Spirit performs multiple roles. Are you in greater need of comfort or challenge? Comfort makes you feel better in your situation but challenge stretches you to the limit of your capabilities and enlarges them. How else do you grow in your capacity? Don’t you seek out challenges for yourself for this very purpose? The Holy Spirit can provide them too.

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daily word - born again?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been born again? This phrase is so common in Christian terminology that few consider the shocking impact of this statement. Have you become immune to it through familiar usage? Nicodemus was right to be shocked and bewildered at this concept. The impact was not lost on him. It is indeed an eternal truth presented as a riddle and a mystery. Do you see all Christian doctrine as easily reducible to propositional truth claims? What then does it mean to be born of water and the spirit? What does it mean to be sifted like wheat and baptized by fire and die daily?

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daily word - spiritual religion

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your religion and your spirituality as the same thing, or is there a difference? You could think of your religion as a container for your spirituality. The Bible refers to spirit as the wind which blows where it will. Have you met people who claim spirituality but reject every religious tradition? Do they seem adrift, blown about with every wind of doctrine, having no stable foundation to stand on? A kite requires wind to hold it aloft but it will only fly if it is tethered to the ground.

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daily word - doing their best?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that people are generally doing their best? This may be a hard point to concede when you consider the evil and poor performance that you see in general, and that you experience in particular. But what is the alternative? It is judgmental to assume that poor performance is intentional or due to character flaws or evil motives. Ultimately you do not know the cause of it. I asked my Father to forgive my executioners because they knew not what they did. Can you extend the same reasoning to those who hurt you or others, that they may have no idea of what they are doing?

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daily word - spectrum

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the world in black and white? This is a very stark view and to see the world in these terms is not something to strive for. Even in early photography there was a gray scale between black and white. But I created a world that goes beyond black and white and even gray to include color. You refer to this as the spectrum of visible light. So I have opened the door for a rich scale of diversity. Do you see the same concept of a spectrum present in things other than electromagnetism? In what other areas are you able to see subtlety and nuance rather than two fixed rigid categories?

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daily word - critic or advocate?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a critic or an advocate? Have you noticed that people generally fall into one camp or the other in their initial responses to new information? Do you see it as an expression of intellectual sophistication to oppose and find fault rather than to support and show enthusiasm? This is a widely held view even if you have escaped it. What great accomplishments have come about only by opposition? If you want to get something done you need to have positive energy and vision. If you do you can expect criticism according to the perspective above, but do it anyhow.

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daily word - peers

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of peers? This term describes people who are your equals. The distinction could be intellectual, economic, social, cultural, or others. This implies a hierarchy and everyone knows where they rank. Is your circle of peers large or small? Are you willing to expand it? A normal feature of a social hierarchy is that there is no communication between levels, but I want you to be able to connect outside of a small and narrowly defined group. Those who esteem themselves to be above you may not be receptive to the idea of accepting you.

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daily word - cheerleaders

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of cheerleaders? They do not take part in the game, but they encourage those who do. If you are not a sports fan, you may consider this to be one step removed from something you don’t take seriously anyhow, but could there be a spiritual parallel? Do you have people you can count on to stand by you and encourage you in your hour of need? Isn’t this beneficial for you even if they don’t take on your burden? Who does this for you? For whom do you perform this vital task?

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daily word - Kingdom come

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever prayed, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven? This is the most familiar of all prayers and a routine prayer for many believers. What does it mean? To implement this you would have to know how my will is done in heaven. Do you have access to this information? You can only know this by revelation, but I didn’t set you up for failure. I’m happy to show you if you inquire. What about the part about my Kingdom coming on earth? What does that mean? Didn’t I say that my Kingdom was not of this world?

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daily word - disagree

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to be popular and have the admiration of others? My word tells you to beware when all men speak well of you. Do you find it comforting when the people in your circle agree with you? Can you extend the above principle to beware when everyone you know agrees with you? This may indicate that you don’t know enough people. Do you find it threatening to encounter people who disagree with you? But there is truth outside of your tradition and your current level of understanding. Are you open to receive it? Where do you think you will find it?

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