daily word - boasting?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to boast? You may find this quality tedious in other people, but who can resist passing along information that reflects favorably on them? Even Paul couldn’t resist presenting his credentials although the account is interspersed with his apologies and chagrin for doing so. Would you rather boast about your achievements, or the things you have suffered, or the things that have transformed you? Paul mentions all three, but declares himself a fool for bringing up the first two, and comparing himself to others.

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daily word - stretch?

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Do you ever get sore muscles? How do you treat them? Most people will intuitively stretch a muscle that is tight or cramped. They will do this even though the stretching is uncomfortable. It is beneficial for the body and serves to restore proper function and range of motion. Have you ever been “stretched” in ways other than physical? Did you seek out these opportunities or did they come to you? Athletes, dancers, and others who take physical performance seriously are smart to do intentional stretching even if it hurts.

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daily word - I will find you

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What do you do when you come together for worship? Do you join together to engage in deliberate intentional practices that honor me? Do you come to meet with me? Do you desire my presence? Yet there is nothing you can do to make this happen. The wind blows where it will and you cannot control it. I come and go as I please as you do. Yet I am drawn to you as you are drawn to me. If you seek me I will find you. Seek me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and I will come to your meeting and inhabit your intentional practices with transcendent presence and divine glory.

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daily word - contempt?

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Do you hold contempt for other faiths? You accept the truth claims of your own faith and reject those of others, but you can do this in a gracious and loving way. Contempt like bitterness is a characteristic of the one expressing it, not of its intended target. Consider my own example. I was Jewish, but I lived in a culture in which many faiths were practiced. On rare occasions I would affirm the claims of my own faith relative to others, but did I ever hold them in contempt? I invite you to follow my example.

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daily word - fixed agenda?

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Do you go to a church with a printed order of worship? Some churches use these, and others do not, but in nearly every case there is an agenda planned in advance by someone whether it is printed or not. Have you ever seen a printed service bulletin with an entry that says, at this point in the service the Holy Spirit takes over and we don’t know what will happen after that. Have you ever been in a service where this happened? Even if you can’t arrange this in advance you should consider it to be desirable and be prepared to abandon your planned sequence order when it occurs.

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daily word - wishing and hoping

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Do you know the difference between wishing and hoping? Hope looks forward and is based on the expectation of fulfillment. Wishing is an expression of preference that can be disconnected from reality. You may wish that things had been different in the past, but you have no hope for that. Wishful thinking has a negative connotation, but being hopeful does not. You may note that hope is a Biblical concept while wishing is not. You don’t know what the future holds, but you can have hope for the future since you know the one who holds the future, and this isn’t just wishful thinking.

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daily word - how to dispute

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When you have a dispute with your brother, or with anyone for that matter, how do you address it with him? My word tells you to go to your brother directly (rather than to everyone else). This is a good start. What then? Do you lead with your strong points and point out the errors in his ways? You would do better to acknowledge your opponents strong points and the weaknesses in your own positions. Why is this? Your opponent already knows these things, and this is his position.

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daily word - clients?

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In the world of commerce, those with whom you do business can be thought of as customers or clients. Do you know the difference? The term customer implies that a transaction takes place and nothing more. To view someone as a client implies that you are caring for their interests. Customers should be treated with courtesy, but being a client implies a higher level of involvement. Which type of treatment do you prefer for yourself? This principle can be applied beyond the world of commercial transactions. You can treat every person you meet as a client rather than a customer.

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daily word - choose your leader

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Do you see people who are recognized as spiritual leaders for whom you have no admiration, and others that you do admire? Do you have a spiritual leader of your own? As a citizen of a country you are under whatever system of government is in place. You may have had the chance to vote for your leaders, or not, and your candidate may have lost the election, but you live with the outcome whatever it is. There are leaders in my Kingdom as well, but the selection process is different. You are free to affiliate with the church of your choice, so in that sense you get to select your leader.

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daily word - nature of faith?

Dale Cresap's picture

Faith and doctrine are central features of your faith. Do you think of faith only in terms of doctrine? Do you think you must have everything correctly understood before your faith has meaning? Do you recall the story of the Centurion with the sick servant? I commended him for having greater faith than I had found in Israel. Consider the magnitude of this statement. What did he believe? Would you expect a Roman to have faith according to correct doctrine? Yet I still commended him. Exercise faith according to what you understand and I will lead you into all truth.

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