daily word - thinking of you

Dale Cresap's picture

How often do you think about me? I think about you all the time. I do not say this to make you feel guilty or condemn you. My capacities are infinite and yours are not. I know that you have responsibilities in this world and limited abilities for focus and attention. In any relationship one party will be more invested than the other. In our case it will always be me. Let this be a cause of joy rather than despair for you. When you are busy or distracted or tired I am not. Even when you are sleeping I continue to watch over you with tender care.

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God Speaks Concerning Law and Grace – Larry Walter Shares His Journaling

Mark Virkler's picture

“Lord, what do You want to speak to me concerning law and grace?”

My friend, law or instructions are the things that set the boundaries for our relationship. That’s all. So many people worship My instructions and neglect Me. They are proud of their ability to memorize a list of things to do or not to do… and they even take on a new language as if because they have tuned their tongue to speak Hebrew that that is a milestone for them.

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daily word - like your parents?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you becoming like your parents? You may not notice this when you are young, but as you age you may notice yourself taking on their mannerisms and habits. I tell you to honor your father and mother and imitation is one sincere form of this. You may admire your parents and do this intentionally, or you may not and seek to avoid it, but it will happen either way. You are deeply influenced by them whether you realize it or not, or appreciate it or not. What about your Father in heaven? Are you intentionally taking on his mannerisms and character? You are made in his image.

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daily word - growth pattern?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect progress in your life to be linear and sequential? Do you see yourself establishing a foundation of meeting your basic needs, and then adding to it, much like a large building is built by adding floors in sequence? This may work for a building, but being too secure in the lower levels can limit upward progress in people. Could being too comfortable work against the stress and strain that are necessary to reach the higher levels? Have you seen this in the lives of others, that it takes a crisis at the lower levels to push them to advance to higher levels?

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daily word - control issues?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have control issues? Is this something that is easier to see in other people than it is in yourself? How great is your sense that you are not capable of directing your own life, that you need assistance from outside yourself, that you are being led? The short answer to these questions is that if you are in control of your life I am not. Do you think of progress in terms of seizing and advancing in a structured planned process that you direct? Are you willing to view progress in terms of letting go and surrendering?

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daily word - questions?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like questions or do they make you uncomfortable? If questions make you uncomfortable, are you quick to seize answers to resolve the questions? Yet there are questions that require some time to answer. Have you been in situations or in churches where questions were not welcomed? There is no need to fear any question, and there is nothing wrong with living with some unresolved questions. In fact, there is growth potential available if you can meditate on unresolved questions that don’t lend  themselves to easy answers.

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daily word - faith crisis?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been through a faith crisis or transition? Do you expect to go through one? When people are fully invested in their current practice of faith do they ever expect it to change? Yet often it does. If you have been through one yourself how do you know you will not go through another? Consider those who seem most spiritually mature to you, or whom you most admire. Have they gone through shifts or transitions, or is their faith practice essentially unchanged from the first?

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daily word - freedom?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you enjoy your freedom? Is it appealing to have unlimited opportunities for action available to you? Yet freedom accomplishes nothing unless you make the choice, and in making one choice, you are saying no to all others. And so you spend your freedom to move in one direction. Have you ever committed to a course of action only to find that it led to a place you didn’t want to go, or was unsuitable for you? It is not in a man that walks to direct his own steps. Blessed are those who are led by the Spirit of God, for they are sons of God.

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daily word- 2 sons

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you remember the story of the man with two sons, and he told them both to work in his vineyard? One said he would, but did not, and the other said he would not, but did. Which one did the will of his father? Do you know people who say that I exist and claim to believe in me, but live as if I did not? On the other hand, do you know people who claim I do not exist, but behave as if I did? You know that you are saved by grace through faith, not by works. Having said that, do not be eager to dismiss those whose life and conduct conforms to the law of love regardless of what they profess.

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daily word - seeing and believing

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that seeing is believing? Or heard people say that they will believe it when they see it? Yet have you not had things pointed out to you that were clearly in your field of vision that you had no awareness of until they were brought to your attention? Do you realize how deeply your perceptions are influenced by your preconceptions and biases? Most people don’t, even if they claim they do. Are we blind also? This is likely if you claim to see clearly. You tend to see only what you expect to see. So will you believe it only when you see it?

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