daily word - sheep and shepherds

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you recall my lament for the people I saw as being sheep without a shepherd? Do you think this situation has changed, or that I feel any different about it now? How many people do you see that are sheep without a shepherd? Don’t mistake this as a matter of deciding who is a sheep and who is not, for I still have other sheep who are not of this fold, and them also must I bring. I made this lament even though I was a shepherd myself. I have commissioned you to follow me, and given you the authority that requires, so you too are a shepherd.

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daily word - angry?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it a sin to be angry? The bible says be angry and sin not. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath. There is much content in these few words. It says that you can be angry and not sin, but implies that anger also can be a sin. The problem with anger is in leaving it unresolved. There may be things that make you angry that can’t be resolved in the short term, but you can still deal with anger as it arises. You can transform it into compassion for the afflicted and resolution to redemptive action. How long does it take to do this?

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daily word - are you a leader?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a leader? Do you think you need a title and an office to be one? There are so many situations crying out for someone to take the initiative and provide direction. You don’t have the authority to usurp power from established leaders, but there are more opportunities for leadership than there are designated officeholders to fill them. You can step into a vacuum without challenging anyone in power. Haven’t you seen this already, and been willing to follow someone who emerges with a plan and direction? You can be the one. Assume the authority you need to do what has to be done.  

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daily word - simple miracles

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the miracles I did? These are among the most well-known accounts of the faith. Do you see a common theme among them? Are they about meeting basic human needs such as feeding and healing? You regard them with awe and wonder but their purpose was very simple. Do you think that I did them with magnificent style while your own efforts in the same tasks seem mundane? Yet I have called you to follow me and to do the same things that I did, in fact, even greater things.

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daily word - shine

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of redemption as a transition from this world to the next? There is an element of truth to that. What about redemption here in this world? A demonstration of that may be a more compelling argument for the validity of the gospel than a promise of a better life in a world to come. If someone’s conscience is awakened, and they turn from their selfish and inconsiderate ways to express love and compassion, doesn’t it signify a real inner transformation? How often do you see this happen apart from a spiritual experience?

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daily word - outside truth?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you look for truth outside of your tradition? Would you expect to find something if you did? To think otherwise is to assume that you happened upon the one church that had all the answers for every question. But you didn’t, and you won’t know until you look. Is your church threatened by your questions, or if you continue your search for truth beyond its four walls? That reflects badly on them rather than you. I sent  the Holy Spirit to lead you into truth, and the Holy Spirit is active everywhere. I promised that if you seek you would find.

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daily word - bootstraps

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps? You know that this is physically impossible but it is still a common phrase. You meet people who claim to be self-made. Yet they cannot really take all the credit for their success. They have advantages and privileges that they are not acknowledging. Everyone who succeeds has someone who gave them a start, got them an education, and gave them character instruction. No one exists apart from a human community. What do you have that you did not receive? Acknowledging this will allow you to bear your success with humility.

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Perception, Presumption & the Pain of Not Belonging

Mark Virkler's picture

It seems to me that we need to listen to various people share their hearts and personal experiences so we can have a deeper appreciation of the issues surrounding us. How can a person respond unless he has first heard? And I think it is wise to hear perspectives from several people so I can come to a more complete and balanced understanding.

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Daily Word - Trust?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as a trusting person? Perhaps too much so? The disadvantages of being too trusting are readily obvious. You can be cheated and taken advantage of. What about the disadvantages of not being trusting enough? These are less obvious, but more severe. They consist of missed or rejected opportunities. You may not be aware of these when they happen, but the cumulative effect is a diminished rather than an abundant life. Fear gives birth to death.

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daily word - rain and sun

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you prefer sunshine to darkness and rain? Yet I make all of them, and each serves a benevolent purpose. You need shelter from the rain, but you also need rain for fresh water to sustain you, and to cause the earth to bring forth its abundance. You need both rain and sun and it is a manifestation of my goodness that I send these on the just and on the unjust alike. Can you extend this concept to other areas of your life? Is it possible that you need things you would not choose? There are obvious blessings for which you are openly and joyfully grateful.

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