daily word - self-norming?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider yourself to be normal? Do you know anyone who doesn’t? Do you find it easy to use yourself as a reference point, and judge everything and everyone else in comparison to you? This subjective approach to evaluating everything is normal, but it isn’t right. You are prone to exaggerate the importance of your strengths and minimize the importance of your weaknesses. Are you perplexed and amazed at how people could struggle in areas that you do not? They feel the same way about you. Righteous judgment isn’t subjective or judgmental. It is OK to be abnormal in this way.

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daily word - crazy?

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When you disagree strongly with someone, are you tempted to say that they are crazy? Isn’t this one of the most common insults you hear? It very rarely applies in context, but what could cut to the core of identity more quickly in a culture that prides itself on rational intellect? The premise of the insult is that no reasonable person with access to the same facts could come to a different conclusion, but they are as entitled to draw their own conclusions as you are. I gave you strong admonition not to call your brother a vain fellow or a fool.

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daily word - leaving church?

Dale Cresap's picture

Does your  church welcome visitors and new members? What about those who depart? Do you confer a blessing on them as they go, or do you consider them as traitors and expect them to slip out the back door? Do you feel a greater sense of alienation from those who were never affiliated with your church or from those who once were and left? Do you view this as betrayal? Is it a reasonable expectation that one church will be the best fit for someone through the whole arc of their spiritual journey? There are enough divisions within my body as it is.

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daily word - Wild God?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of me as wild or tame? If you go to church you may think of me as tame and fully domesticated if every question about my nature has a definite answer and it seems that I am confined within their structure. But those who encounter me in the wilderness have a different experience. The manner of perception is according to the one doing the perceiving. This is not to discourage you from going to church but don’t let it give you the wrong impression. You should gather together with others in pursuit of the transcendent ineffable mystery and be prepared to find that I am wild.

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daily word - seek and find

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised that if you seek you would find. Do you claim this when you need to find your car keys? It refers to much more than that. A quest for transcendent truth is far different from a search for an inanimate object, but both are searches. The object is passive and does not take part in the search, but I am active and if you look for me I will find you. You also have my promise that everyone who seeks the truth will hear my voice. Have you encountered people who are looking for truth in all the wrong places? Let not your heart be troubled on their behalf.

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daily word - judge yourself

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you sinned a great deal, or very little? If it is the latter, are you proud of having been forgiven little? Yet he who has been forgiven little loves little. On the other hand, Paul has no patience with those who sin that grace may abound. Do you find this confusing or contradictory? Paul considered himself to be the chief of sinners. Would he be your first choice for this title from all you would consider? This all makes sense if your consider it from the perspective of humility rather than self-righteousness. Judge yourself and do not judge others.

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daily word - back down?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you been taught to never back down when you are right? This sounds like better advice than it is. Have you found it to work well in the area of human relations? You may well distinguish between ultimate and universal truth and your own preferences. Most practical questions you face are not about eternal truth but about who gets their way. Is it ever appropriate to back down when you are right if that is the cost of preserving a relationship?

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daily word - well done

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Some soldiers perform feats of such valor in combat that they receive decorations. These are considered great honors and presented in ceremonies with great acclaim. What do you think was going through the minds of those when they did the feats that earned such honors? It wasn’t the recognition to follow. In the moment they probably thought they were having the worst day of their lives. You may have never received such recognition or even served in the military but the same principle still applies.

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daily word - ask for anything

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Do you know that I can do anything? So what do you ask me for? What do you pray for? I have written you a ‘blank check’ in the sense that I have promised in advance that you can have anything you ask for. Do you prefer to pray that your situation would change or that you would change? Most people would prefer that their circumstances would improve rather than that they would learn grace through them. But which is more important, and which of these is more closely aligned with the purpose of your life?

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daily word - different levels

Dale Cresap's picture

Most people can do arithmetic. Some people can solve high order non-linear partial differential equations. These are all mathematical operations, but some are at a higher level than others. Do you see a spiritual parallel? I am prepared to receive those who make any gesture in my direction, but some are more serious and highly motivated for spiritual formation than others. Everyone is free to choose and follow his own path.

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