daily word - evil money?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think my word says that money is the root of all evil? What it really says is that the love of money is the root of all evil, but not in a way to imply that other things cannot also be evil. It does say that you cannot serve God and mammon. Note this does not say that money is inherently evil. Have you ever met someone for whom making money is the single focus of their life? Whether they succeed or not, would you describe them as joyful? What about those who follow me? You can choose what you will follow but you will be influenced by it.

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daily word - Jesus Christ

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Do you think that Christ is my last name? You have a first and a last name and so may think it normal for the same pattern to apply to me, but this view isn’t completely accurate in my case. Here is a helpful way to think of  this. The Word (Christ) was made flesh (Jesus) and dwelt among us. As Christ I inhabit eternity, as Jesus I walked and breathed among you. Both aspects were essential to my unique identity and mission, and so you have the mystery of the incarnation. There were relatively few people who knew me in the flesh. Do you regret that you were not one of them?

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daily word - self-improvement?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever engaged in a self-improvement project? How successful were you? This is a noble goal, but have you found that good intentions are not enough to transform your life? There is wisdom and maturity in realizing that you are not the captain of your fate, and that it is not in you to direct your own steps. If you don’t realize this then your self-improvement projects will leave your ego even more firmly in control. Transformation can only come from beyond you. It is impeded by self-effort, but facilitated by consent.

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daily word - meaningful work?

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Are you content with your income? Do you find satisfaction in the way you earn it? Do you understand that these are separate issues? People will settle for making money when they can’t find satisfaction making anything else. The rules changed after the Garden of Eden, requiring you to work. Do you see this as a curse? It doesn’t have to be. You can find satisfaction in the benefit you provide in addition to providing an income for your support. The Bible speaks of masters and servants. You can adapt this language to your modern economy by thinking of employers and employees.

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daily word - present in spirit?

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At one point Paul observed that although he was absent in body he was present in spirit. Have you ever had anyone tell you they were with you in spirit? But in Paul’s case this meant more than I am thinking fondly of you and wishing you well from afar. Have you ever had the experience of being with someone in body who was absent in spirit? This is commonplace in a disengaged and distracted culture. Do you see a great advantage to continuous access to an information network? Do you see the disadvantage as well?

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daily word - better or worse?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is your faith making you better or worse? Hopefully better, but both are possibilities. Are you familiar with all the passages about the Pharisees? They were the religious establishment in their day as you are in yours. When you read about them, are you glad that you are not like them? But then they also were glad that they were not like others, such as the sinner whose prayer was accepted for justification. Church people have a different set of issues to deal with than those outside, but both are real. Examine yourself that you may remain free of the leaven of the Pharisees.

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daily word - purpose of freedom?

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Do you enjoy your freedom? I tell you to stand fast in the liberty in which I have made you free. Do you obtain the maximum benefit from it? You may rejoice in the lack of external constraints imposed upon you, but what sort of future will you have if you refuse to impose any internal constraints on yourself? There is a difference between liberty and license, and if you don’t refuse some alternatives you will not have the time and energy to commit to your true destiny. You freedom should open the door to the fullness of an abundant life that is uniquely yours.

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daily word - real change?

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Can you change your life at will? Can you wake up one morning and realize that you need to be more loving and compassionate, and put it on your list of things to do, and have it accomplished by evening? Have you found that enduring change is not that easy? Yet it is possible. Things you desire that are not so easily accomplished by your own efforts can occur in the crucible of my refining fire. This is very different from your self-improvement projects. You can’t bring them about, but your consent is required. I know what you need and am prepared to bring it about.

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daily word - contempt?

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Do you have contempt for the wicked? What about those who hold different beliefs than you do? Does this open the door for ridicule and scorn? Yet is this Christlike behavior? You may think that contempt is justified by their conduct. Yet the question here is not about them, but about you. For contempt is a characteristic, and those who give in to it are contemptuous people. How would you justify exercising it against anyone who was created in my image? How would this be consistent with love?

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daily word - social club?

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Have you ever heard of churches described as social clubs? You know this is not meant as a compliment, but there are legitimate and valid social aspects to a church. Where do you find most of your friends? Where else do you find people with whom you have the most in common, and see on a regular basis? It is only normal that you should share multiple dimensions of your life with them. The problem comes when your circle is small and exclusive. Visitors are keenly aware of when they are treated as outsiders, whether by commission or omission.

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