daily word - marked?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you a marked man? This phrase is used to refer to someone designated for a special purpose, and sometimes has a literal meaning. Indigenous peoples still practice initiation rites to mark transitions and many of these involve permanent markings. Lest you roll your eyes at these “primitive” practices consider that I gave circumcision to my people as a covenant ritual. Paul experienced this, but this isn’t what he was referring to when he said, I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. Not all marks are external and visible.

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daily word - silence

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Do you find meaning in silence? There are some faith traditions in which silence is an intentional practice. How have you experienced silence in connection with other people? Since a conversation involves speaking by turns, silence is necessary on the part of the one who is listening. So silence can be an active attending presence, and among intimates this presence is real and profound even when neither is speaking. But silence can also indicate a passive withdrawal, disengagement, and absence. How do you experience silence in a spiritual context?

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daily word - difficult task

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Are you familiar with the Great Commission? Go ye into all the world and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all I have commanded you. Christians refer to this task as evangelism. It is also less commonly known by the term proselytizing. This term is so broadly defined that it can be applied to any attempt to get anyone to change their mind about anything. Evangelism certainly is that, but much more besides. Have you found it is a far greater challenge to make disciples than it is to get someone to profess belief? Do not be discouraged.

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daily word - religion and politics

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Have you heard it said that religion and politics should not be discussed in polite company? But these are things that matter. Does this imply that you should only discuss things that do not matter? Because these things do matter people feel strongly about them, and this can lead to contention. How can you discuss these important topics without starting a fight? You can start by viewing the people you encounter in the essence of their humanity rather than as the embodiment of the sum of their opinions.

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daily word - immune?

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Have you ever had a bad day? Do you see this as an excuse to be grumpy? In this way you can pass your bad day along to others who would otherwise not be a party to it. Can you conduct yourself with grace and kindness toward others even when things are not going well for you? If you have immunity to a disease you will not get it even if you are exposed. If you can be gracious in trials then you have immunity from being contagious, and if you can refuse to take offense at the bad moods of other people then you have immunity from them. I gave you an immune system for your body.

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daily word - what type of justice?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in justice? What aspect of justice do you think is most important? Retribution is punishment for wrongdoing, restoration is about preventing future offenses. One looks to the past and the other looks to the future. Which of these aspects is emphasized in the criminal justice system of your country? Which is emphasized in my word? Consider such statements as, it is the goodness of God that leads you to repentance, and, neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. Which do you prefer for yourself?

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daily word - tribal?

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Do you see yourself as the member of a tribe? Do you think this term applies only to indigenous peoples? You belong to a tribe whether you realize it or not. Do you prefer to receive instruction from members of your own race, culture, denomination, educational and economic level? If so, this indicates the tribe that you belong to. There were 12 tribes in ancient Israel but they all belonged to one nation. Each had their own unique value and purpose. The same principle applies today. Do you want the Spirit to lead you into all truth?

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daily word - patriot or nationalist?

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Do you know the difference between patriotism and nationalism? These are related concepts, but patriotism has a positive connotation and nationalism has a negative one. Patriotism is based in sacrifice. There is a cost to being a patriot and only those who have paid it can claim the term. You have seen this in practice. Nationalism is based in entitlement and anyone can claim it but it is not admirable. You have seen this also. You are a citizen of a country here on earth, but you are also a citizen of my heavenly Kingdom above.

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daily word - consider content

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Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘consider the source’? This is one way of evaluating the validity of a statement, but it is based on a fallacy, and how often have you heard this phrase used as a compliment? The truth of a statement does not depend on the one stating it. It is intrinsically true or false whether spoken by a reputable person or a scoundrel. Do you accept as truth whatever is spoken by those in your tradition, and reject what is spoken by those without? But there is truth outside of your tradition. Don’t cut yourself off from the bigger picture that I would show you.

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daily word - creative preaching

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Do you believe the Bible? Do you take the Great Commission seriously? You may use the Bible in carrying out the Great Commission, but is it reasonable to expect prospective converts to believe the Bible? If not, then how to proceed? This is similar to the task faced by early Christians, before the Bible was written, and the non-Jewish population did not consider the Old Testament to be scripture, but with creative ingenuity the gospel message went forth. I authorize you to do the same and use everything available to you to declare me.

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