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daily word - sacred wounds

Dale Cresap's picture

The Bible speaks of suffering afflictions. Do you think this has any purpose, or is it just pointless pain? Consider the best people you know. Not the wealthiest or most prominent, but the most Christlike. Do they come from backgrounds of privilege and entitlement, comfort and ease? Hasn’t their character been formed in the crucible of the difficulties of life? How else will you obtain a broken spirit and a contrite heart? You may find these things painful for yourself, but don’t you find them to be attractive in others? Think of your wounds as badges of honor and rank. I do.

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daily word - how big is your circle?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a hunger for belonging? This is an inescapable part of the human experience. It is a drive as strong as hunger or thirst. How close a fit do you require of a group to get a sense of belonging? Who wouldn’t like to have a supportive close circle of like-minded friends? Have you searched for this and found it hard to obtain? For you are a unique creation, and the same is true of anyone who would be part of your group. Are you hungry enough for belonging to go outside of your comfort zone to make connections? How large can you make your circle of belonging?

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daily word - love and like

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that loving is a stronger version of liking? This is a popular cultural notion, but it represents a mistaken understanding. Liking is about personal preference. In that regard it is a matter of taste. In the end it is about you. Love, if properly understood, is non-possessive. It is not about you. Does a baby love her mother? She is entirely dependent, but this is not love in the mature form. And so these are widely different concepts. Are there people you like and other people that you dislike? This is inevitable, but you are called to love everyone rather than like everyone.

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daily word - destiny

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in destiny? I promised you an abundant life, and a future and a hope. How am I doing so far? Do you know where your life will go from here? This is not given to you to know. It would be too great of a burden, too much of a load to bear. Yet it is still beneficial for you to live with a sense of destiny, for this gives meaning and purpose to your life today. To have a sense of destiny it is enough to know that you are on the right path today. You don’t need to know now where it goes, but if you stay on it you will get there.

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daily word - civilian rank?

Dale Cresap's picture

Those who are in the military are well acquainted with the rank structure and know who is above and below them. Is there a comparable structure in place in the civilian world?  Money is a common means for keeping score, and both those who have it and those who do not are aware of where they fit in the hierarchy. Do you believe in equality? This is a desirable political goal, but it is a modern concept and has not always been accepted. Can you see that this only makes sense under the rule of a supreme being who is superior to all and regards king and peasant alike under him?

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daily word - life and belief

Dale Cresap's picture

Belief is a central theme in the Bible. Do you put a great deal of effort into study to learn what to believe? Do you put as much effort into learning how to live? Which do you consider to be more important? Which did I place more emphasis on in my teachings? Consider the story of the Good Samaritan, who was commended for his kindness in spite of the errors in his beliefs. Consider the Centurion who was commended for his faith even though he was an outsider. Consider the woman at the well, who was also an outsider, who became an evangelist.

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daily word - tears?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word states that I wept at the tomb of Lazarus. Much has been made of this short verse, and this is an expression of a strong emotional response. Yet tears are not always an expression of pain or sorrow. Have you ever wept for joy at moving experiences that were not painful? I criticized my generation as children who would not dance for a cheerful tune or mourn for a sad one. This was in the context of John and myself, but the greater principle is that there are occasions that call for a response. Do you avoid shedding tears for any reason? What does it take to move you to tears?

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daily word - in your head?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the idea of being ‘in your head’? Deep thinkers are prone to this and it doesn’t always work in their favor. This approach to life can leave you disconnected from and unaware of your surroundings. It is possible to be absent in body or mind or spirit but this results in diminished presence and experience of life. Movement requires balance and it can help you lead a balanced life by integrating your body, mind, and spirit. Have you ever taken a walk to clear your mind, and found this to be helpful? This can enable you to practice the sacrament of the present moment.

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daily word - failed revolutions

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know why revolutions fail? It is easy to see problems in society and not very difficult to come up with solutions but this isn’t enough. It isn’t enough to have awareness and understanding of needed changes. Too many revolutionaries wrest power from others to wield it themselves, with the latter state being worse than the first. It isn’t enough to have the answer. You need to be the answer. What is more revolutionary than the gospel message of love that I have committed to you? For this revolution to succeed you need more than knowing the message.

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daily word - pearls and swine

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the Biblical advice not to cast your pearls before swine? Do you find this disturbing? What does it mean? As much as this is obvious in the most literal reading, is it clear to you that the swine refers to people? There are some things in your life that are not for general publication. It is wise to be selective with whom you share certain things for there are those who can and will use them against you as much as they can. Do you see your shortcomings and failures as pearls? In the right hands they can be agents for healing.

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