daily word - belief review?

Dale Cresap's picture

You know better than to hold your material possessions with a death grip and identify with them. Do you feel more closely identified with your beliefs? Do you consider them to be the essence of your identity? But have you lived long enough to find that you have acquired beliefs that did not serve you, that did not line up with the reality of life? It is OK to revisit your beliefs and subject them to scrutiny. It is OK to discard them if they are found wanting. I promised to lead you into all truth. Do you see your life as an ongoing process of revelation?

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daily word - see yourself?

Dale Cresap's picture

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself primarily in the essence of your humanity or as the sum of your attachments? It takes spiritual progress to realize that the combination of your attachments is not the real you. How do you see other people? The same question applies, but this takes it to the next level. You can’t see other people in the essence of their humanity until you can see yourself the same way. The problem is compounded if they insist on an identity as the sum of their attachments, as most people do. But you can help them. Let your light so shine before men.

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daily word - spiritual RDA

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Have you heard of recommended daily allowances or minimum daily requirements? These are recommended intake values for nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. They are based on the principle that certain things are required on a daily basis. You can’t take a month or a year’s worth at one time and expect good results. Some things are consumed as you go and can’t be stored up. Do you see a spiritual parallel here? Can you get your spiritual nourishment once a year or even once a week? What do you need spiritually on a daily basis? Are you getting your recommended daily allowance?

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daily word - victim and oppressor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Can you be a victim and an oppressor at the same time? Have you ever known anyone with victim mentality? Did you enjoy their company? So these attributes typically occur together. Victim mentality is an aspect of narcissism and you notice it in people who magnify and are consumed with their own problems. Do you find their presence and negative expression to be oppressive? Don’t follow this path yourself. Ask me to open your eyes to see your blessings and develop a sense of gratitude. Express this openly and others will find your presence to be encouraging and refreshing.

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daily word - bridges?

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Do you know the difference between a bridge and a home? This seems like an obvious distinction, but these concepts have applications beyond the physical and material. You will encounter temporary circumstances in your life that serve to facilitate your onward journey. You may think of these as bridges and they are good and necessary, but they are not your final destination. Don’t make the mistake of thinking of them as your permanent home. You would not make this mistake on a journey in this world.

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daily word - peace

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One of my titles is the Prince of Peace, and I offer my followers a peace that surpasses understanding. Have you experienced this yourself? If you follow me do you consider yourself to be an agent for passing peace on to others as well as a recipient of it yourself? Is it reasonable to expect this approach to work on a larger scale? What nation of the world doesn’t have an army? Yet some of these are used in wars of aggression and others only for defensive purposes when other means have failed. What can you do to expand the scope of peace? For those who make peace are my children.

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daily word - free grace?

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Do you like a bargain? Do you like free stuff even better? Do you understand that grace is a free gift? But grace is not free in the sense that you think of other free things like promotional giveaways such as swag, that end up as useless clutter in your home. Grace was costly, but it was a price you didn’t have to pay. The Bible doesn’t say that grace was bought with a price, but you are, and you are to glorify God as a result. So this turns the concept of ‘free’ upside down. Be grateful that grace is free, but realize that it is not like a possession you can be indifferent to.

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daily word - raw materials?

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Are you familiar with the concept of raw materials? There are very few things that you use in the same form in which they were originally obtained, but you have to start with something, and change it into a form in which it is suitable for consumption. Do you view people as raw materials? Have you met people who you would consider to be pleasant company if only they could be changed to make them more agreeable? Do you take this task upon yourself? It is acceptable for me to view people as raw material, but not you. Transformation is my work, not yours.

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daily word - do me justice?

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Have you ever heard it said that a picture of someone doesn’t do them justice? Only so much of the human essence can be captured on film. If you know someone personally you are connected with them on a human level which is greater than can be captured in a two-dimensional image. Have you seen pictures of me? You know that there are no photographs of me and I never sat for a portrait, so the pictures you see of me are artist’s impressions.

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daily word - get over yourself

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Have you ever heard the phrase, get over yourself? Have you ever spoken it to others, or had them speak it to you? This is commonly used when someone is expressing behavior that indicates inner turmoil or issues that interfere with a full life or even a true understanding of the world they live in. Do most of your problems come from external circumstances or from unresolved internal issues? Understanding this is the first step in the process of resolution and being transformed into my likeness. If you can get over yourself what else is left for you to overcome?

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