Mark Virkler's blog

Vertebral Misalignment and the Corresponding Organ's Degeneration

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Chiropractic care is not just for pain in your back or neck. Regular chiropractic treatment ensures that any minor misalignments in one's vertebrae are quickly corrected so that the nerves which pass through them to various organs do not have any pressure on them. Pressure on a nerve curtails the signals being transmitted from the brain to that organ, and that in turn causes the organ to degenerate.

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Why Is It No Longer Healthy to Eat Bread?

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Question: Can you please explain to me why Dr. Mercola's website discourages eating grains when the Bible has Scriptures directing us to eat grains? 

I eat the Ezekiel Bread and other organic bread. Jesus multiplied bread and fish to feed the hungry thousands who were following him. In fact, Jesus himself ate bread. Can you then make sense as to why people are telling us not to eat grains? Barbara Jean

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Healing - One Way the Kingdom of God Comes Near

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When we see the sick healed and demons cast out, these are outward demonstrations of the kingdom of God being manifested in our presence. The Bible says, the Kingdom is upon or near us.

“If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Matt. 12:28). "Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people" (Matt. 9:35). "You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him" (Acts 10:38).

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Two New Books Which Nurture the Prophetic!

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We have two new excellent interactive books, just out, which activate journaling and the prophetic flow. They make such a wonderful combo set, we are encouraging you to purchase them both as part of your reference library and for your own spiritual growth. One is by a Christian Leadership University graduate, and the other by a close friend who heads up a Prophetic Training Institute which I have had the honor of speaking at. Your relationship with the Lord can take another leap forward through the insights in these books!

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Scriptures Which Build Faith, Hope and Love

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Since fear, anxiety and stress damage the body, the immune system, the digestion and colon as well as our spiritual health, we must displace them by abiding in the biblical opposites of faith, hope, love and peace. These bring healing to our entire beings. You may choose to make the following prayer a part of your morning and evening meditations (1 Chron. 23:30) for a period of time until they fully light your inner being.

I suggest you speak them aloud, slowly and prayerfully, tuned to flow and looking to see the pictures the Lord wants to give you, as pictures are the language of your heart. Repeat each sentence (or part of a sentence) a second time, with your eyes closed, letting it sink down into your heart and spirit (i.e. "seeing" it). This takes you into a biblical meditation stance allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth more deeply to your heart. If you only get part way through the prayer meditation below in one session, that is perfectly fine. Slow down, enjoy, and let the Holy Spirit lead. You can pick it up again in your next prayer time.

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Bad Attitudes = Bad Health

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Disease often begins with dis-ease in our hearts, so do whatever it takes to master the art of living in faith, hope and love. You cannot establish health in your physical being if you are not walking in faith, hope and love! Note what the opposites of faith, hope and love do to your health (these sins of fear, despair and anger are three of many sins which one can fall into):

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Why Is it Valuable to Repeat a Prayer BOTH Morning & Evening?

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Question: What could possibly be the value of me saying a prayer, or speaking a confession, or commanding a healing, over and over again? It seems like a waste of time, since my mind heard it the first time. Shouldn't it be enough to pray once then move on to another topic? Is there a reason I should repeat the same thing twice a day?

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21 Days of Prayer for Digestive Healing

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Elijah prayed 7 times for the drought to end, and on the seventh time, he saw his answer appear (1 Kings 18:42-43). Since we are encouraged to pray as Elijah did (Jas 5:16,17) I have no problem praying seven times for a miracle to happen. If I still don’t have my answer, then I may move on to using another type of prayer. Here are healing Scriptures to speak over yourself daily. 

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