February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

Mark Virkler's blog

Leadership Teams Led by the Spirit

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If we as individuals are to walk by the Spirit, then surely the eldership of a local assembly is to be led by the Spirit! So how would this look? What would they do when they came together to ensure the decisions they make are Spirit-led? Spirit-led five-fold teams experience more complete revelation and move forward when in unity.

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Pastor Doesn't Get to Preach Because God Is Moving!

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Here is Pastor Art's journal entry after a very powerful service at United Methodist Church where he did not preach because of the extended prayer, praise, worship and prophecies. This is a church where a core of the people hear the voice of God and know how to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pray for a fuller manifestation of His glorious presence!

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10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles

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To my knowledge, Albert Einstein was not a Christian but let’s not forget that God granted revelation to Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar as well. I greatly respect Einstein because I see him releasing God's creativity in the marketplace. He offered divine solutions to solve mankind’s problems. As Christians, is that not what we all hunger to do?

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What's Wrong with Protestant Theology's Foundations?

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I don’t want to live out of a theology period, but especially a theology which was established in reaction to theological abuses! I want to live out of the voice of my Heavenly Father through daily walks with Him in the Garden, also referred to as “living by the Spirit” or “abiding in Christ”.

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I Want to Speak in Tongues Fluently

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Question: You mentioned in your story about receiving tongues that it took some time to get it down right and a year before you spoke in tongues in front of anyone. My question is, "How long did it take before you felt fluent? Did you stumble over yourself for a while and how long? Did you keep thinking you were repeating the same thing over again? And because of these things all going on in your head, how long did it take before you felt you were not making it up?"

Thank you!
Hungry and Searching

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My Checklist to Restore & Maintain My Health

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Below is my list of simple, orderly steps that I take when I get sick. It has hyperlinks which explain each protocol in detail. I have used them all successfully. I passionately pursue wholeness for several reasons: 1) Jesus paid a huge price to purchase my health with the stripes He bore at Calvary (Isa. 53:5), and I will not squander the price He paid, 2) I have a God-given destiny which I am eager to complete and 3) I desire to celebrate vibrant health in my golden years, and enjoy my great-grandchildren. The three keys to establishing and maintaining health are: 1) Detoxify the body, 2) Build the immune system, and 3) Nourish the cells, which are discussed in depth in our book Go Natural, and are summarized in the listings below.  Click here for my personal philosophy concerning health care. 

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If I Touch Him, I Will Be Healed - A Theology for Using Vision to Come Into His Presence

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Rhema: Healing is bringing people into My presence, My ocean of love, to receive a touch/wave of My compassion. Entering into a Gospel story which comes alive by My Spirit is one way to allow people to touch My healing presence and My miracle working power.

Our goal: To lead people to Jesus to experience waves of divine compassion from God’s ocean of love and through this encounter experience their miracle of healing as His power penetrates their beings. We accomplish this by dependence upon the Holy Spirit, as we share stories of healing encounters with Jesus which become stepping stones for the listener to have their own healing encounter with Jesus.

Prayer: “Lord, take me back to the language of my heart, let me become a master storyteller, so people can ride on the wings of these stories into Your loving arms, and receive Your healing touch.”

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My Miracle Memorial & Testimony

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My Miracle – Memorial & Testimony

You may download the My Miracle - Memorial & Testimony Worksheet here.

Name _______________________________________

Email __________________________________

Infirmity I brought before Jesus ___________________________________________________________

What I saw Jesus do ____________________________________________________________________

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