Mark Virkler's blog

Is There Something Better Than a New Year's Resolution?

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I have discovered something far better than a New Year's resolution: It is a Divine Commission. Every January 1st I ask God what area He wants me to focus on as I begin a new year. I listen and I record what He tells me. I then focus on that area until I have mastered it and the Lord tells me it is time to move on.

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Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance and Cheat Days

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Whoever discovers an easy way to lose weight becomes an instant millionaire! Almost everyone wants to lose weight and knows that doing so will greatly benefit their health. Patti and I have tried probably 100 ways to lose weight over our 62 years, and although we have lost a fair amount, we are still not down to where we want to be. So, we don't have all the answers. However, below are a few things we've discovered along the way.

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Detoxifying Your Heart, Body and Environment

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Your body must run clean on the inside, and it will do everything in its power to cleanse itself continuously. Disease occurs when cleansing gets behind on the job, and cannot keep up with the toxins it needs to expel. So the challenge is to 1) limit the number of toxins the body is exposed to, and 2) to strengthen the cleansing process. Following are ways we can do that, and we have created an entire website devoted to Vibrant Health

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Pt. 5 The Quantum Connection by Charity Kayembe

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In this final segment of my daughter's current blog series, Back to Eden: Restoring the Super to Our Natural, Charity connects the scriptural principles she's been discussing with the scientific principles of quantum mechanics. 

It's not hard to understand the seemingly impossible properties of the quantum world when we look at them through the lens of faith. In fact, then it all comes clearly into focus.

Be blessed by this exciting word!

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Pt. 4 - Empowered to See by Charity Kayembe

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In today's guest post, my daughter shares her insights on a powerful Scripture, Acts 1:8. 

What is witnessing? Indeed, before we ever witness and talk with people about Jesus, we would do well to first witness Jesus Himself in the supernatural realm, look to see what He's doing, and minister His Spirit life out of that divine initiative.

I know you will love this word... Be blessed!


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Pt. 3 Where God Lives by Charity Kayembe

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Today my daughter takes us to the Gospel of John, as we re-visit the Last Supper with Jesus and His disciples.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine what may have gone through their minds during this time and I think you'll appreciate how Charity envisions the conversation in her own personalized way. 

Enjoy this unique perspective and invite the Holy Spirit to breathe on His logos, making it rhema for you.

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Pt. 2 - Escaping the Matrix by Charity Kayembe

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Today we get to read the second installment of my daughter Charity's series on the spirit realm - how we were born into it, became blinded to it, but now can become partakers of it once again.

As one reader commented on her last post, this article is indeed a real eye-opener and I pray that the eyes of our hearts will be enlightened by this unfolding revelation.

Be blessed!

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Pt. 1 - Where's Heaven? by Charity Kayembe

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I'm thrilled to introduce a new series of blog posts by my daughter on Back to Eden: Restoring the Super to Our Natural. Over the next several days you will be challenged and encouraged to stretch your faith and look at some familiar Scriptures in a brand new light.

I'm excited about the fresh revelation she shares and know it will be a great blessing to you as well.


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Quantum Principles & the Spiritual Dimension

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Question: What exactly is quantum physics, and why would I care about it?

Answer: Quantum physics is a field of study which describes the properties of matter and energy at an atomic and sub-atomic level. It helps some people if they can realize that the absolute cutting edge of scientific thinking and research is verifying the realities we find recorded in Scripture - things like walking on water and Jesus appearing in a closed room without going through a door. Quantum physics does this and more. It proves to scientists that there are more dimensions than the four we are accustomed to (height, length, width and time), thus opening them up to the “spiritual dimension” and spiritual realities.

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