Mark Virkler's blog

The Manufacturer’s Handbook Provides “Rules for My Mind"

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The Situation: My mind does what it wants, when it wants, the way it wants. I listen to the news and my mind decides if I should be depressed, cynical or joyful. I build theology with my mind. I test my heart's impressions with my mind. How else would one live? This is what the Bible teaches, right? We're supposed to test all things and hold fast to what is good, aren’t we?

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What About Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh"?

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Question: I believe God doesn’t always want to heal us because Paul had a sickness which God did not heal. What about the thorn in his side? "Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself!" (2 Cor. 12:7)

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Is Your Quiver Full Yet?

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Question: Isn’t a simple prayer, “Lord, heal me" enough? Do I really need all these different ways of praying?

You gave me a 7 step model for receiving a miracle, then 7 more steps for ministering a vast assortment of “gifts of healings.” Then there is the 7 step model for “prayers that heal the heart” and a 7 step model for praying words of faith.” Wow. That is 28 prayers! I want just one, please!

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I Hate Writing So How Can I Journal?

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Mark, I hate writing, and I essentially don’t write. Is there any chance of sending me a paragraph on what you spoke about yesterday on the phone about breaking off any lies, fears of writing, fears of English and resentments toward school teachers, so I could pray through these things and get into two-way journaling? Thanks, Noel

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The Day I Couldnt See My Angels by Charity Kayembe

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I'm pleased to have another guest post today from my daughter, Charity. 

I appreciate her key insight, which really comes down to the issue of focus and the extraordinary importance of where we choose to give our time and attention, what we decide to pay attention to. 

Enjoy this word and be encouraged as you continue pressing on in the spirit!


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Does Microwaved Water Affect Plant Growth? My Grandchildren Did a Research Project for Me.

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I have seen pictures on the internet of plants withering when fed microwaved water, and I wanted to know for myself, so I offered to pay each of my three grandchildren $1 if they would do an experiment for me. Their mom, Charla Virkler, oversaw the experiment and she shares the results below. 

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Let's Take Our Places in God's Final Act

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I recently watched one of the most inspiring movies of my life, Father of Lights. It's about taking God to the people. It's about miracles and healings taking place right before your eyes, on the streets. Kind of reminds you of the Gospels, doesn't it?

You will see a Hindu being led by God through a dream to go the following day to a specific location and a person would be there to teach him important truths. The next day, he met the man whom he was shown in his dream and he heard the Gospel message which he gladly received and went back to his village to share Jesus. All this is captured live on camera in powerful, moving drama. Visit filmmaker Darren Wilson's website and get a copy to see for yourself!

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