Mark Virkler's blog

Flow vs. Spontaneity from Donna Trent

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In describing how we sense our hearts, I love the word "flow." God allowed me to see it in 1979, and it accurately describes what the Holy Spirit feels like within us as He moves. "Bubble up" is another neat descriptive expression which we get from the Hebrew word  naba, which is translated as "prophecy." Another word I frequently use is "spontaneity." I talk of a spontaneous thought, rather than an analytical, connected thought. However, as you will see from Donna Trent’s article below, our personal definitions and conceptions of words such as "spontaneous" can interfere with the revelation the Lord is giving us. In that case, we need to allow Him the opportunity to reframe the offending word so we see it from His perspective.

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Deliverance Came BEFORE Water Baptism in the Early Church

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Between 1/4 and 1/3 of Jesus’ prayers/commands for divine intervention involved the casting out of demons. This ratio is often not practiced today, although I personally have made it my goal to practice it. So what was the attitude of the early Church concerning the matter of casting out of demons as people became believers?

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Breaking Denominational Barriers

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If you don't want your training to stuff you into a theological box, then we have just the solution for you. I, too, don't fit into any box, nor do I believe God created us to live in theological boxes. So we have developed 100 courses which are "out of the box."

Weston Kapasule is a Christian Leadership University (CLU) graduate who has set up several Bible schools in Malawi which use CLU's courses. Below are some of his encouraging insights and reflections.

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