Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!


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Some people missed my first coming even though it happened right in front of them because they had preconceived ideas about what to expect and I did not fit their template. You understand this as a historical fact. You know that I am coming again. Do you have any preconceived ideas about the timing and manner of my return? Don’t make the same mistake of so many in my earlier generation. When I walked among them I repeatedly emphasized the importance of watching for my return. Do you assume that my return will be so dramatic that it is impossible to miss? If that were true why would it be important to watch for me? I did not give this admonition in vain.

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Knowing his voice

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How much confidence do you have in hearing my voice? Are you familiar with the passage in which I declare that I am the good shepherd? Do you remember that it says my sheep hear my voice? Yet a careful reading reveals that it also says my sheep know my voice. I speak to one and all. How many recognize that I am speaking to them? Yet my sheep have this promise. You are in need of daily guidance, and you hear a multitude of voices. How can you discern the voice of the good shepherd to follow and the distractions to ignore? I don’t want you to be confused or doubtful about this. Set your heart to listen and expect to receive the inner witness and peace of my Spirit who will lead you into truth.

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like what you do

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Do you work because you want to or because you have to? Most people have a component of economic necessity to their occupation. Those who do not are said to be independently wealthy. Yet the choice is not limited to one or the other. It can be both. Blessed are those who enjoy their work whether they feel they have a choice or not. You are bought with a price and you are not your own because you are my servant. Servants are not able to choose their assignments, but a wise and loving master will assign tasks suitable for the temperament and talents of the servant. Do you understand that I am such a master for you? If you like what you do, does it matter if you have to do it or not?

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Have you ever had the familiar structures of your life stripped away? Most people develop some sort of routine involving their family, friends, church, job, and community. They grow to depend on these landmarks in life. Yet they can be lost in a moment. You do not seek to experience this, but I have told you in advance that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and that everything will be tried by fire and combustible things will be burned up. What do you find when this happens? If I am the core of your life, you will find that the core emerges intact. I cannot be shaken or burned up, and will sustain you through any upheaval you face. 

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Short timers?

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Are you familiar with the concept of short timer’s attitude? Someone who knows they are soon to be leaving their current position may be less effective in it because they have other things on their mind. They disengage mentally before they actually leave. If they are on your team you may find you can’t count on them as you could when they were in for the long term. You know I am coming to receive you to myself. This knowledge should make you more diligent in the way you serve me rather than less. You have orders to occupy until I come. You don’t know when that will be, but let the certainty of it give you a sense of urgency in the way you serve me now. 

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Believe and wait

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Do you have some great need for which you seek me in prayer, such as a financial need or infirmity that needs provision or healing? Your answer may not come immediately. In the meanwhile, what is your attitude toward your problem? Is it denial? This is unreality. Is it resentment? This trades your peace for agitation and can make you resentful and bitter toward me. Can you believe for healing at some time and still accept your condition now? This is not a contradiction. It will enable you to live in peace while you wait. Maybe I am doing some deeper work in you that will be accomplished faster if you don’t deny what you are going through. 

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seeking truth

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Do you generally find what you look for? My word promises that if you seek you will find. This can work for or against you depending on what you are looking for. Do you seek the truth? Then you will find me, as I have spoken, he who seeks the truth hears my voice. Do you think of truth as objective detached precepts that stand alone? The Biblical concept of truth is relational. It is found in a person rather than a book. I said that I am the way, the truth, and the life.  And so I also said if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. 

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Do you look at natural disasters and try to make sense of them? Do you wonder if I cause them? There is an innate human desire to see justice done and everyone get what they deserve. Is this desire only active in times of disaster? I promise to send the sun and rain on the just and on the unjust. These things happen routinely to support your life on earth. Do you take them for granted or live in a constant sense of gratitude? I invite you to know me. If you do and walk with me during times of peace and plenty you will not be shaken during times of disaster or attribute them to me.

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fervent listening

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Have you ever been in a small group of people in which the conversation was dominated by the one who had the least interesting things to say? Do you find this annoying? This is a scalable effect in that it can still be observed no matter how small the group is. When you are alone with me in prayer do you do most of the talking? Which of us do you think has the more interesting things to say? I will share my heart with you if you will listen. You know that my word commends fervent prayer. Do you think of this as impassioned appeals that are long and loud? How does the concept of listening fit with this? I want you to practice fervent listening prayer.

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Lead them to me

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Do you feel that you have to solve every problem and meet every need of other people? This is an impossible task for you and one that I have not called you to. I am the answer they need. If you attempt to be all things for them you will fail them and will be diverting them from me rather than leading them to me. Some cases are beyond your ability to assist, but none are beyond mine. Do you think it is an excuse and an evasion of responsibility to point them to me? This is the best thing you can do for them. Those who have served me best have done this. John the Baptist saw himself as the friend of the bridegroom and rejoiced when his disciples followed me. You don’t need disciples of your own.

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