Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

Terms of Endearment

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There are different types of relationships and they use completely different terminology. The legal system uses terms that are formal and highly structured. Contracts are written to be binding with obligations and penalties clearly spelled out. Friendship is based on affection and shared interests and values. The terms of friendship are the terms of endearment. If you spoke to your friends in legal terminology would you expect them to remain your friends? My word distinguishes between the covenants of law and grace. In the covenant of grace I call you my friends. It is appropriate for you to address me as a friend, in terms of endearment rather than terms of law.

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My word records many encounters between men and angels. These are heavenly messengers and ministering spirits. They may have an unremarkable appearance in that some have entertained them unawares. They can also present in such splendor that they warned those they encountered not to worship them. You know that you are to worship me alone. Yet you should not ignore them either, for they come to you on my behalf, to assist you and to relay messages from me. Did anyone in my word ignore an angelic messenger? I want you to be open to receive from those I send. They serve me and are your friends and are on your side. 

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Cost of discipleship

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Do you assume that my involvement in a situation will bring harmony between all those involved? Are you familiar with the verses that say I came not to bring peace but a sword, and that because of me even the members of a family would be set against each other, that people would be offended because of me, and that you would be hated of all men because of me? Would you like to follow me and have the approval of all men for doing so? It isn’t going to happen. This is the cost of discipleship. Do you desire it enough to move ahead even at the cost of being misunderstood and rejected? 

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come to Jesus

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You describe your faith as a relationship with me and you are right. Do you understand and walk in all that this implies? Your faith is not a relationship to a book, not even the Bible, nor is it a relationship to a church. Both of these things are good, but they are an outgrowth of your faith rather than the central theme of it. Your relationship to me is the basis for the revelation of my Word to you. It also makes you a member of my body that you may take your place in my body. Search the scriptures for in them you look for life, and they testify of me. Come to me that you may have life. 

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spring cleaning

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Do you do a thorough housecleaning in the spring? Is it a relief to get rid of the clutter that seems to accumulate with no effort on your part? This can make you feel more at home in your own home. You can think of your life in a larger sense as a home and your body as my temple for dwelling. The metaphor of housecleaning applies here as well, and you benefit from eliminating clutter and dirt from your life. You don’t need to wait for spring to do this. Eliminate low value activities that clutter your life, and the character flaws that hinder your effectiveness. Set your house in order that your temple may be a comfortable dwelling place for me. 

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A miracle for you?

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Would you like to see a miracle? Would you like to have a miracle performed on your behalf? This is possible, but miracles are not for entertainment. I don’t perform them without a purpose and a need. Let us rephrase the questions above. Are you willing to be in a state of need so desperate that only a miracle will save you? You are used to seeing entertainment and being unaffected by it. The story of someone else’s miracle may build your faith, but not as much as one you receive for yourself. The more difficult the situation, the greater glory I receive for intervening on your behalf. Are you willing to endure this degree of difficulty that I may be glorified through you?

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fervent prayer

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My word promises that I will give you what you ask for. Do you think that you should be able to pray once and get immediate results? Yet I told the story of the importunate widow to show that effective prayer is sustained. Have you ever wanted something and prayed fervently for it? Did you rejoice with gratitude when your prayer was answered? Yet did you also find that your level of devotion and fervency declined when you were able to cross this item off your prayer list? Are you as interested in the development of your character as much as you are in the answer to your prayer? I am. This is why you don’t always get immediate results.

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loving worship

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What aspect of the Christian life do you enjoy the most? If a church held separate meetings for bible study, prayer, and worship, would you expect the attendance to decline in that order? Where is most time currently devoted, and about which activity do you hear complaints that it went on too long? Yet you desire to go to heaven. What activity takes place there? You will not need to study the way you do now, for you will know as you are known. The things you pray for, such as healing and provision, will not be issues. Worship will endure for eternity. I don’t want this to be an abrupt transition for you. Get used to the idea now.

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All These Things

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Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. This verse was written in the context of the basic necessities of life: food and drink and clothing. Are these daily concerns of yours? You are fortunate if you are affluent enough that these basic needs are satisfied. Are you then concerned about higher level things like a satisfying career and a suitable life companion? This principle of scripture is universal and applies at every level. No matter what you desire, seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you. 

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spiritual warfare

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Is it proper for one faith to go to war against another, even if they hold irreconcilable doctrines? This has been tried before. Can you find anyone today who thinks the Crusades were a good idea? Do not repeat a mistake. You have a battle to fight, but the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, and neither are your enemies. For I have called you to contend with dark spiritual principalities and powers. Prosecute these attacks with vigor and determination, yet in this world be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. Not only are you not to perpetrate evil, but you are to turn the other cheek to those who would harm you, that you may be the children of your Father in heaven who will defend you. 

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