Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

Reluctant hero?

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Are you familiar with the concept of a reluctant hero? How many of the central characters in the Bible explained to me why they were unqualified for the tasks I called them to? Only a few responded without excuses and I have heard a multitude of these. Yet they went on to perform the exploits of faith set before them. Apparently I knew what I was doing when I called them. How about you? Do you come up with reasons why my plan for you won’t work? Do you volunteer these objections even though I do not ask for them? Obey and move forward even if you don’t feel like it and you will see that I was right all along. 


[Please pray for my wife who is having a knee replacement on Tuesday. Thanks. DC]

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When you were a child, did you want some particular thing, thinking it would make you happy? If you received it did you find that it did not have the desired effect, and set your sights on the next thing to obtain? Hopefully by now you realize that even things you greatly desire will not make you happy, for happiness is an intrinsic condition of the heart, independent of your material acquisitions and even your circumstances. I said that the gentiles sought after what they would wear and eat and drink, and I acknowledged that these things are necessary. Yet I told my followers to seek first the Kingdom of God and they would have all these other things, including happiness.

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You know that the word ‘dreams’ can mean more than one thing. Some dreams are night visions. Others are your fully conscious and alert hopes, desires and aspirations. When you want to have your dreams come true this is the type you mean. Everyone has both kinds of dreams. In biblical accounts people assumed that I spoke to them through their night visions and found meaningful interpretations for them. I can still do this today. Do you know that I can also speak to you through your waking dreams? Do you ever wonder where they come from? I can place a desire in your heart for the destiny I have set before you. Seek me to make your dreams come true.

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Speaking to a friend

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How do you hear from me? You receive information from many sources, and I too can speak in many ways. I can give you dreams and visions, speak through my word and through other people. Are you impressed with dark and mysterious communications? Yet I spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Isn’t this your most common and preferred method of interactive communication? Do you assume that this was available only to Moses due to his exalted position? Yet before I left this earth I told my disciples that they were my friends, and this relationship extends to all my followers. Seek me and I will speak to you the same way.

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My word describes my encounters with the Pharisees and you may recall that I was not pleased with them. Yet there were Sadducees as well who were still worse, for they denied everything transcendent and supernatural while the Pharisees did not. Once my apostle accomplished his defense by setting the one group against the other. Do you assume that Sadducees no longer exist because you no longer hear of them? I tell you that the same spirit is active even among some who are called by my name. Do you struggle with the supernatural aspects of your faith; with miracles and mysteries and revelation? Beware of the leaven of the Sadducees. 

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Cheap Talk?

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You have heard it said that talk is cheap, and that grand ideals are easy to articulate and hard to implement. My word even tells you not to love only in word and tongue but in deed and truth. Yet my word also has weight, substance, and authority. Deeds are preceded by words which are preceded by thoughts. You give substance to your thoughts by speaking them aloud. Have you observed that people generally get what they consistently declare, for better or for worse? Do not abuse this principle for selfish gain, but take heed to give substance to your thoughts and intentions by speaking them aloud consistently and with conviction. 

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Leading Followers

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Have you been called into a position of leadership? Remember that leaders are also followers, and teachers are also students. I encountered a Centurion who understood this when he told me that he was a man under authority rather than telling me how many men he had under him. If this principle is true in the realms of the military, commerce, and academics, then how much more is it true in my body in which each of my children from the least to the greatest has an individual direct relationship with me? It is gracious for those who are called to lead to emphasize the equality of all believers.


I’ll be out of town for a few days and resume messages later. 

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Old Friends

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When people ask you how you are doing, do you tell them that you are doing well even when you are not? Is this partly because you don’t want to bother them with your troubles and partly because you suspect they really aren’t that interested? New friends will accept your answer, but old friends will dig deeper to find out what is wrong. If you perceive that the interest and intent are genuine you should tell them. They are only able to help insofar as they know the problem. I already know what is wrong but I still invite you to come and let us reason together. It must be addressed to be resolved. 

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Do you think of places as being physical locations only? I tell you there are spiritual places as well. I called Abraham to go without telling him the destination. Travel was a part of the process, but the destination was more about being the father of many nations than about a place on the map. I am also taking you on a journey even if you remain in one place. I am transforming you into my likeness. This can occur without your movement, but it is beneficial for you to have the mentality of a traveler, to be aware of your position and progress, and to navigate so that you stay on the path I have set before you, for you have not passed this way before.

I’ll be out of town tomorrow night. See you Saturday.

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