Dale Cresap's blog

Daily Journaling Devotionals

Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs

Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!

Personal insights

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Do you think you know more about yourself than anyone else does? Some people deceive themselves even though others can see right through them. Have you not heard of someone described as being too close to a situation to see it clearly? Surely you are this close to yourself. This principle can apply even to those who are diligent to avoid deceiving themselves. There is safety in a multitude of counselors. In particular I have given you someone who is a spiritual authority in your life. They watch for your souls and will give an account. For this purpose I can give them insights into your life that I don’t give you. You can have confidence in seeking my direction through them.

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Let him hear

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Have you encountered material that was accessible at multiple levels? An adult and a child get different things from the same story. A musician hears a performance differently from one who is not. I spoke to the multitudes in parables. On the surface these were simple illustrations from familiar everyday situations, and some got nothing more than that out of them. Yet I used them to illustrate the fundamental truths of the Kingdom of God. Are you content to comprehend issues, and even my words at a superficial level? Even if you understand them at a surface level, there may be more that I want to say to you. Seek and you shall find. He who has ears, let him hear. 

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Living Word

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My word affirms that my word is living and powerful. How can this be when you read it as ink that is dry on a printed page? Because I watch over my word to perform it. When you study the Bible I am involved in the process. If you come to it without preconceived ideas I will speak to you through it. Submit yourself to the word and be teachable and the word will come alive to you and live in you. My disciple testified that the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, full of grace and truth. Now you have me living within you. I want you to be aware of this as you ask me to open my word to you. 

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safety in difficulty

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Do you wish to provide a safe place for your children and grandchildren, that they may avoid the trials and difficulties of life? Your instinct to protect them is natural and commendable, but don’t protect them from me. What processes occurred in your own life to bring you to the place you are now? Didn’t you have to go through some difficulties? Don’t you think you are better off because of them? Do you understand that the same principle is as true for them as it was for you? Yet I protected you from real harm even while I was forming and molding your character. I want you to understand that I can do the same for them while you pray for them.


My sister is home from the hospital and doing well. My wife is on IV antibiotics and doing fairly well too. Thanks for your prayers. 

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spiritual processes and an answer to prayer

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Do you understand the difference between events and processes? Events occur at a moment in time, while processes have duration. Salvation is an event, as are some miraculous healings, although healings that take time are just as miraculous if they could not have occurred by natural means. Are you impressed by the sudden, immediate nature of supernatural events? Your culture has programmed you to want things right now. Yet some things, even the development of my character in you, can only be accomplished over a period of time. I am patient. Are you? Do you value these things enough to see the process through?


[my wife's condition was better in the morning and continues to improve. Thanks to all who prayed, and glory to God. DC]

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Learning to pray, and prayer request

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My disciples asked me to teach them to pray, and I did. My answer is recorded in my word for eternity, but do not assume that this is the only answer for all people in all situations for all time. You are in a relationship with me. It is just as appropriate for you to ask me how to pray, or in like manner, how to worship. I am as eager and willing to teach you these things now as I was for my original disciples. Your life in me is one of following and seeking and finding. Do you expect your relationship with me to be dynamic and active, fresh and new every morning? If you ask for this you will receive it, and I will teach you how to pray and worship every day.


I believe I mentioned that my wife had knee replacement surgery about 10 days ago. The surgery went well but she has developed some complications from it, with the incision still bleeding but the main thing is cellulitis. This is a serious skin infection and I would appreciate your prayers for her healing. 

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Easy yoke

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Have you ever encountered someone who is hard to please? It seems the more you do for them the more they have to find fault with. Do you think of me as someone who is hard to please? For my commandment to you is to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Yet through your own experience with me would you describe me this way? I told a story of servants entrusted with their master’s resources. The one who made no effort defended himself by saying that the master was a hard man. Obviously he didn’t really know the master, for the story refers to me. Come to me, for my commandments are not grievous, and my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

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Have you ever tried to deal with someone who is defensive? Their determination to justify themselves prevents them from learning or even hearing you. Have you ever been defensive yourself? Can you see how this same effect worked in you at that time? My word does not speak favorably of those who sought to justify themselves. You have no need to do this. I have already justified you in the sense of redemption, and there is no reason for you to be defensive with me. That would interfere with the work I am doing in your life. I call you to lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow me. You have no need to prove that you are right.

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everyday suffering

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My word promises blessings for those who suffer for the sake of righteousness. Do you envision this as being applicable to only a select few, those who face a hostile mob while proclaiming the gospel message? I take a broader view of this matter. Have you ever obeyed my commandments when it would have been easier not to? Acts of faithfulness like this may come at a high cost and level of sacrifice. Those who make this choice of difficult obedience are suffering for the sake of righteousness as much as those who are persecuted for their testimony, and will receive the same reward. Therefore rejoice to be faithful in your afflictions. 

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The Cost

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I said that no man can serve two masters, for he would love one and hate the other. I asked my disciple Peter if he loved me more than these. There is a popular teaching today that you can have it all, but this is false. Life is about choices and I will arrange your life to present the same question to you that I did to Peter. The man who found a pearl of great price hidden in a field rejoiced to sell all that he had to buy the field, because he knew it was a good deal he could not otherwise obtain. I want you to rejoice when you choose to follow me, no matter how high the cost. 

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