humor and humility
Do you understand the importance of humility as a character trait? Do you have a good sense of humor? Do you see any connection between these things? Those who are humble don’t take themselves too seriously.
Daily Journaling Devotionals
Heavenly Gems in Daily Bites: CWG Ministries Life-Engaging Blogs
Dale Cresap is a Certified CWG Facilitator posting daily devotional blogs of two-way journaling. (What is two-way journaling?) Enjoy and be encouraged!
Do you understand the importance of humility as a character trait? Do you have a good sense of humor? Do you see any connection between these things? Those who are humble don’t take themselves too seriously.
Who is qualified to work for me, for me to use for my purposes? Do you assume that the work of my Kingdom can only be performed by those of the highest degree of character?
Do you exercise your right to vote? This action expresses your intentions. Not everyone has this right, and not everyone who does follows through to perform it. Even if you don’t vote at the ballot box you vote with your money every time you make a purchase. In the broadest sense, everything you do is an expression of your intentions.
People come in two models. Male and female I created them, and it does not please me for them to blur the distinctions I have made. Yet in the fullness of the Kingdom, this distinction becomes less important.
Do you judge people by the way they speak? This is difficult to avoid. Some people are more eloquent than others, and some have an accent or a lisp.
My church is referred to as the Bride of Christ. Yet this is in the fullness of time, for the marriage supper of the Lamb has not yet occurred. Currently you are in a period of betrothal, in which the bride is making herself ready.
You see people who are strong in the faith moving in powerful manifestations of the gifts I give. You admire this and rightly so. These are like beautiful blossoms of mature plants. Yet plants have roots in the earth. In a parallel to the imagery of the body, these are the less comely members.
Every teacher knows that students learn more when they are active and engaged than as passive recipients, even of a good presentation. An involved mind is open to learning while a passive one is distracted and wanders.
Do you prefer to associate with people who are like you? Yet even within the common faith there are people of good conscience and character who disagree with positions held by your closest friends.
Are you familiar with the concept of delayed gratification? This is usually presented as the desirable alternative to instant gratification.