daily word - presence of God

Dale Cresap's picture

You don’t have to be a believer to realize that people have a sense of presence. This is illustrated by modern communications that allow you to exchange information with someone over a distance. Yet as much as people embrace the technology, they still acknowledge that physical proximity makes a difference, and is better where the connection is desirable. There is no substitute for being together. You cannot see me, but have you not already discerned my presence? Believers refer to it as if it were nearly tangible.

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daily word - presence

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that you have a sense of presence? You may have heard this term used in reference to people who are famous or charismatic, but like personality, everyone has a presence. Some people have a dominating sense of presence, and as it were, inhale all the oxygen from every room they enter. There is a reason that such people are referred to as suffocating. Do you think of meekness as weakness and humility as lost opportunities for influence? You could also think of these qualities as giving you a sense of presence that makes way for the presence of others.

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daily word - surrender

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What do you think of the idea of surrender? Is this the worst thing that can happen to you, as a fugitive with no chance to escape or a solider facing certain defeat? This concept is normally associated with defeat and loss of control, freedom, agency, and autonomy; the things you hold most dear. Yet I have called you surrender to me. Can you see why this call meets with resistance from those on the outside who don’t understand? What has been your experience with surrender to me? For I am not calling you to surrender to domination, but to love which gives you life.

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daily word - Abe

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What do you think of the story of Abraham and Isaac? Have you encountered skeptics who view this story critically, saying that it is an egregious example of blind obedience and cruelty? Who would be willing to sacrifice his own son? (Me) What sort of God would require it? The fact that the deed was thwarted after Abraham had demonstrated he was ‘all-in’ doesn’t satisfy the critics. Note that the deed was not thwarted in my case. Can you see how profound the parallels are between these stories?

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daily word - empathy and sympathy

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Do you know the difference between empathy and sympathy? These terms sound similar, but they have different meanings. Sympathy is feeling for and empathy is feeling with. If these still sound similar consider the concept of feeling sorry for. This can also be described as pity and it is something that can be done from a distance, with no personal relationship or connection. Empathy is not something that can be expressed with detachment. It requires a sense of solidarity with the one who is suffering.

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daily word - in secret

Dale Cresap's picture

I told you not to be like those who attract attention to their giving and their praying, announcing it with fanfare or doing it as a public performance. Rather when you give you should not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, and you should shut yourself in your closet and pray in secret to your Father and in both cases he will reward you openly. Why hide the good things that you do? One benefit is to purify your motives. Can you be indifferent to even your own thoughts about how people view your actions if they are done in public?

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daily word - making connections

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Do you like to connect with other people? This is a universal human longing. I put it in you. It is not good for the man to be alone. This extends beyond marriage. You can encounter people without being unequally yoked with them. People do not thrive on isolation and alienation, so you benefit others as well as yourself by connecting with them. Can you extend this valuable process to the next step? Do you introduce your friends to each other when you think they are a good fit and it would be beneficial for both? Do you see yourself and relationships enhanced or diminished in the process?

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daily word - strawman?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of a strawman? If you take the worst example you can find of your enemies, and assume that they are all alike and are all this bad it is easy to dismiss them as evil, but this is a dishonest approach and a classical fallacy based on the rules of logic alone. Strawmen have no defense and are easily defeated. Have you ever seen anyone make a strawman of me? People reject me based on misconceptions that they create themselves. They create an image of me as distant, judgmental, harsh, exacting, and indifferent. Do you see me this way?

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daily word - open book

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Do you identify as an evangelical? This implies that you take the Great Commission seriously, and are willing to work in my fields and vineyards for the harvest. You have a message and a mission, but in another sense you are the message. Will unbelievers be convinced of the validity of your claims if they don’t see something desirable in those who have already responded to the message? And so I have told you to let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me. Paul described his life as an open book. This applies to yours as well. What does yours say?

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daily word - objection?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever raised objections? These can happen casually in everyday life and are frequent, but the term has a formal meaning in legal proceedings. If an attorney for one side of a court case doesn’t like something the other side does with respect to process, they can raise and objection and the judge rules sustained or overruled. Have you ever raised objections with me? What if I let someone into the Kingdom of God that you don’t think meets the entrance criteria? Will you raise an objection? What ruling would you expect the judge to give in such a case?

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