daily word - strong enough?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is your faith a strong enough container to hold your suffering? Everyone experiences some pain and sorrow in life. Some more than others, and some are better able to bear it than others. How much suffering can you endure without being ruined by it? Do you understand how your faith can make suffering bearable? A transcendent worldview gives you a large enough perspective to deal with it, even as Paul said the suffering in this world is not worthy to compare to the glory to come, and you have my comfort through it.

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daily word - magic words?

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 Do you believe in magic words? Children are taught that ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ are magic words. These are terms that facilitate social graces, and you notice and are disturbed by those who refuse to use them, so to say them frequently is a good habit. Are there ‘magic words’ in other areas, such as learning? How about, ‘I could be wrong about that’, and ‘tell me more’. Are you truly open to learning if you are not open to re-examine your current understanding of a subject? Are you defensive about your current positions?

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daily word - flesh?

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Do you think that flesh is evil and that true spirituality requires distancing yourself from the flesh? That your body is just a vehicle for your spirit that you will gladly discard when you enter the higher realm? A more recent version of the same concept is that your body is just a vehicle for carrying around your brain. Both of these are wrong. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and you take this to mean pure Spirit. So when the time was right, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Pure Spirit was incarnated.

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daily word - homeless?

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Do you think of me as a homeless person? I said that foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head, meaning I did not have a fixed location to call home. And yet how many accounts do you read of me staying with religious leaders, or tax collectors, or other sinners? I lived in a culture where hospitality was taken seriously, and I accepted invitations from across the entire social spectrum. These opportunities for community and fellowship were important enough to record in my word. Would you have me as your dinner guest and put me up for the night?

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daily word - more stuff?

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Do you want more stuff? Possessions are a form of wealth, but they can transition from being useful in their own right to acquisitions for the sake of acquisition, such as status symbols. You can cross a line between having things and your things having you, and they can become a burden that hinders your life. You understand that you can only carry so much weight at one time. Do you understand that this principle applies to all the things you own whether you are carrying them around or not?

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daily word - waterfalls

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Do you like waterfalls? Who doesn’t? The objective explanation is that a watercourse reaches a discontinuity and gravity takes over. This doesn’t explain why people drive great distances and hike miles just to see them. Do you live in a world that is material only, or in a world that includes beauty and mystery and wonder? Even people who are complete skeptics go to see waterfalls, and sunsets and mountains and lakes. Their behavior contradicts their stated worldview. The heavens (and the earth) declare the glory of the Lord.

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daily word - where to start?

Dale Cresap's picture

Would you send a first grader to high school? You understand that such a child doesn’t have the background and isn’t prepared for instruction at this level. Yet do you begin evangelism with a presentation of the propositional truth claims of Christianity in general or your church in particular? Perhaps there was a time when the cultural background was strong enough to support such an approach, but that is no longer so.

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daily word - problem of evil?

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Are you familiar with the problem of evil? Skeptics offer this as a challenge to believers, saying that if I am benevolent and all powerful, why is there pain and suffering in the world? This is a tricky question, but it can be answered with the problem of good in this manner: if I don’t exist and the world drifts according to random events, why is the world so favorable to life, and why has life flourished, with people replenishing and subduing the earth successfully? In the beginning I said that the world was good, and it still is.

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daily word - your stories

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Do you like stories? Everyone does, especially children. Parents discover quickly that their children like to hear the same stories over and over again. Do you have favorite stories of your own? Can you see that your own life plays out according to the stories you tell your self to make sense of your life and give it meaning and purpose? Are your stories true? Could another story be a better or more gracious interpretation of your situation, including the intentions and character of other people in your life?

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daily word - freely give

Dale Cresap's picture

 You live in a commercial culture and you have material needs. So you seek to find something useful to do that has an income attached. This is normal and expected whether you find satisfaction doing this or not. Hopefully you have some time and energy to devote to things you enjoy, but there is a third category as well. What do you do for others for which you do not require payment? This is beyond necessity, so it is a truer expression of your own identity. These are things that add meaning and purpose to your life. Freely you have received, freely give.

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