daily word - ATM?

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Are you familiar with automatic teller machines? Known as ATMs, they dispense money if you follow the steps correctly and make the right entries. Do you view prayer the same way? Do you think that if you get the wording just right and ‘work up’ your level of belief that money or whatever else you want will pop out? There are verses in the Bible that support this approach, but there are also verses that say you ask and receive not because of your motives. Have you found the ATM approach to prayer to be effective in your own experience?

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daily word - thanks

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Have you ever received a ‘thank-you’ note? Have you ever sent one? These are pleasant to give and receive. Gratitude is a universally admired trait, and even unbelievers can see the value of it. But is it possible for gratitude to exist in a detached and unfocused way? Is it possible to address a thank-you note to whom it may concern? Gratitude implies a relationship, for it must involve a giver and a receiver. Both parties can perform both roles in sequence or concurrently, but gratitude is not a meaningful concept in the abstract or in isolation.

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daily word - bread alone?

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Are you familiar with the phrase ‘bread and circuses’? This came from my own era on earth, when the Roman government wanted to distract the people from deep structural problems in society. They did it with affluence and entertainment. Did it succeed? It didn’t prevent the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Do you see the same principle in effect today? Now you have much more sophisticated versions of affluence and entertainment. My answer is the same as it was long ago. Man does not live by bread alone. I know you need bread, but what else is essential for your life?

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daily word - take it

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Have you heard people described as being able to dish it up but not take it? This presumably refers to insults and rudeness and is not considered a compliment. The implied criticism is that if you do one you should be able to do both, being willing to be on the receiving end of what you put forth. But this is a modern example of Old Testament law of parity - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. There is an alternative. For I say unto you that you resist not evil, go the extra mile, and turn  the other cheek.

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daily word - large family

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Are you a conservative? A liberal? Do these choices flow out of your faith? I have sincere followers in both camps. Do you find it incomprehensible that someone could read the same Bible you do and come to a different conclusion about political ideology? Eating meat offered to idols may not be an active concern for you anymore, but the same principle that each should follow the guidance of his own conscience is enduring and broadly applicable. I have a large family, and even more to the point, a large body.

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daily word - love

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Do you think I love everyone? For some Christians, this is more a matter of abstract doctrine than a practical way to live. They are sure that I love the people who go to their  church, but beyond that things get fuzzy. Do you find practical ways to affirm that I (and you) love everyone? I do. For I send rain and sun on the righteous and the unrighteous alike. Where do the wicked get their provision from if not from me? Do you consider them to be enemies of God? They may not acknowledge me, but I still bless them. I have called you to love your enemies.

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daily word - Grieved Spirit?

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My word cautions you not to grieve the Spirit. What do you think this means? The most obvious and customary answer is sin, but the Bible deals with sin at great length elsewhere, but what else could it be? Have you been in a meeting that was led by the Spirit? This is obvious to anyone with even a little discernment. Have you ever been in a meeting where the leading of the Spirit was rejected to follow an agenda or maintain control? This is even more obvious to those who have observed both. What could be more grievous to the Spirit than to deny this gentle leading?

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daily word - authority

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Have you ever heard anyone appeal to authority to settle a dispute? Authority will be with you always, and even I recognized the validity of authorities who did not approve of me. Those in such positions have the ability to set policy, but you should not mistake that for being a source of truth. Holding an office doesn’t make you right, it just makes you in charge. You are to honor those who rule over you, both in civil and spiritual matters, but you should not look to them as an unquestioned source of truth.

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daily word - social church?

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Do you think of church as a social event? Most Christians recoil against this idea because the church has been criticized for this from those within as well as those without. But there are social aspects to church. Isn’t this where you go to connect with your friends? There is nothing wrong with this. The problem arises when it becomes an exclusive club, or it has no additional substance. You are called to have fellowship and not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. This satisfies a deep human longing for belonging. What does your church provide beyond this?

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daily word - unconditional

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Do you believe that my words speaks of unconditional love? Yet you will not find this phrase in the Bible. This is a modern word that was not available in Bible times, or for many of the major translations. But it is a Biblical concept. It is described more in stories and actions than as an abstract concept. Where do you find it in the Bible? Consider the story you refer to as the prodigal son, which may better be described as the loving father. Consider the story of the Good Samaritan who aided a stranger from outside of his own group and tradition.

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