daily word - multiple choice

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever taken a multiple choice test? These are very common and considered to be objective. The instructions typically say to choose the best answer from those available, implying that an argument could be made for more than one of the responses, but one is clearly better than the others. So here is a quiz for you: Did I tell those who responded to my message to [a] follow me, [b] worship me, or [c] believe the correct propositions about me? If you can make an argument for more than one of these responses, in what order would you rank them?

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daily word - grateful

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Are you grateful? Gratitude is universally recognized as a positive trait, but you must have something to be grateful for and someone to be grateful to. Can you think of things in your life that you are not grateful for? Even so, are there more things that you can be grateful for? Even in the midst of devastation, do you know that you live in a world that is good, because I made it that way and this has never changed? Even in your trials, do you have a sense of consolation, knowing that the world is governed by a benevolent supreme being who secures and sustains you?

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daily word - knowledge or skill

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Do you think of your faith as more accurately described as knowledge or skill? You gain knowledge from books, classrooms, lectures, and other sources. Skills are different in that they require practice. Knowledge is highly rated in your culture of rationalism, so much so that you are said to live in a knowledge economy. But is that all that matters? To illustrate the difference, would you feel comfortable flying in an airplane with a pilot who only had a knowledge of landing from reading books? Is your faith reducible to knowledge? If not, what skills do you need to practice?

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daily word - ethical skeptics?

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Have you met ethical skeptics? Would you expect unbelievers to lead lives of debauchery? In practice do you find skeptics lead ethical lives? They are usually living off the residue of a religious upbringing, having learned good conduct, character and discipline even if they no longer accept the underlying principles. Then in what ways to they fail? How many skeptics do you know that love their enemies? Isn’t this the most severe test? Even those whose conduct and character are otherwise good find it difficult to see a common humanity and extend favor to those they disagree with.

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daily word - journey

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Do you like to travel? Most people enjoy new sights, cultures, and locations, and find travel adventuresome. Do you see your life of faith as a journey? Do you still think this is true even if you live at the same address, attend the same church, and have the same friends over a period of many years? Your life of faith can still be a journey even if all these things are true. But it doesn’t follow automatically. You know that I am unchanging. Should this be true of you also?

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daily word - help me help you

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Have you ever helped anyone? Do you find it annoying when people interfere with your efforts to help them? For some it is difficult to receive help, but their efforts can make things worse, so saying ‘help me help you’ is a valid request. Don’t you appreciate when the people you help are grateful and facilitate your efforts? Can you do the same when you are the one receiving assistance? Everyone receives help from me whether they ask for it or not, for I send the sun to shine and the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. Do you acknowledge the help you get from me?

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daily word - good faith

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Do you act in good faith? This phrase is commonly used to refer to integrity and lack of duplicity, and this is a valid definition. Yet a larger understanding is also possible. You refer to your beliefs as faith and act accordingly. Have you ever wondered if your actions according to principle are having a beneficial enduring effect? It may not be obvious that they are doing any good. This is where the concept of good faith comes in. I do not want you to be discouraged or grow weary in well-doing. Your obedience has beneficial effects you are not yet aware of.

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daily word - next generation

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Do you have hope for the next generation? A permanent fixture of history has been a concern about the character and conduct of the generation to follow. At every time past you can find accounts of alarm about how civilization is falling apart, but here we are. Do you think that every generation, as well as every individual, has a destiny; a divinely appointed mission to carry out? In this regard you have two duties. The first is to take part in the fulfillment of the destiny of your own generation.

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daily word - vulnerable courage

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Do you think of vulnerability as courage and leadership? Have you ever been involved in a conversation about trivial matters when someone changes the whole tone of the engagement by expressing a personal vulnerability? This takes the whole conversation to a deeper level and opens the door for others to move in the same direction, but someone has to go first. The one who does so is expressing courage and leadership by directing the conversation for the benefit of all. If you don’t like small talk you can disengage from it or you can steer it into deeper waters.

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daily word - good and evil

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you divide people between good and bad? In these rough categories you have to overlook some positive qualities in those you regard as bad, and some bad habits in those you regard as good. I told you not to judge others and there is a reason for this. You will always get it wrong. Knowing this, what would be a better way to consider the people you meet? The dividing line between good and evil runs through the middle of every human heart. With this view you don’t need to assign people to categories, but realize that every person carries the potential for both good and bad, as you do. 

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