daily word - cost to raise you

Dale Cresap's picture

You know that grace is free for you. Do you ever wonder if it is costly for me? Do you ever wonder how much demand you put on the resources of heaven? Children are oblivious to the cost of raising them, but parents are aware. One of the largest expenses is for education and diligent parents will see this coming and save up for it, not complaining about the sacrifice. In like manner, your education in the Kingdom of God is costly and most of it is non-monetary, but I don’t want you to be troubled about this. I knew how much it would take and I put enough back to finish the job.

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daily word - bad reasons for truth?

Dale Cresap's picture

Over the course of time I have had many followers. Some are more diligent advocates of my message, and some are more capable. Perhaps you have encountered those who put forth weak arguments or faulty reasoning in defense of the gospel message. This does not invalidate the underlying message. Erroneous reasoning can be spoken in support of truth. This is a situation in which to correct the well-intentioned speaker in private, lest two believers fight about the truth in public.

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daily word - crazy?

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Have you ever thought that people who disagreed with you were crazy? Have you ever said this to them or about them? You have clear direction in the Sermon on the Mount not to make such statements or accusations. This is particularly true about those who function normally and exhibit no typical symptoms of insanity, and disagreeing with you does not qualify as this. Other people see the world from a different perspective. Could it be that their views make sense to them within their paradigms as much as yours do to you within yours?

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daily word - best church?

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Why do you attend your church? Do you think it is the best, or do you think it is the best for you? Presumably you would choose the church most suitable for your own needs. Can you see how this can create tension? Can you understand that the best church for you is not the best church for everyone? Yet loyalty to your own church and tradition is important. This results in two values to hold simultaneously and this is not easily done. Be true to your own tradition, and at the same time honor the entire body of Christ.

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daily word - humble knowledge

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My word says that knowledge puffs up. Have you seen this to be true, that when people have information it gives them an inflated sense of their own importance? Do you find this to be an attractive quality in people? Knowledge is desirable, but the problems associated with it go back to the very beginning. Is there a way to obtain knowledge that leaves you more humble rather than less so? A transformative encounter will accomplish this for you.

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daily word - science and faith

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Do you see science and faith as opponents? This should not be. You have nothing to fear from an investigation into the world around you. Yet my word refers to the opposition of science falsely so called. Real science stays within its own domain of observation and investigation, but you have observed crusading science advocates, who are generally not scientists themselves, who claim that science gives a comprehensive view of reality, and there is nothing more. This is unprovable and not even a scientific assertion. Faith and science operate in distinct but overlapping realms.

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daily word - rules of life

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Do you like to play games? Games have rules that all parties must agree to for the game to be successful. Not everyone likes to play games, but there are other activities that have rules as well, such as court proceedings, or even just the rules of the road for driving a car. You can look these up as readily available information, and everyone is subject to the law of the land. Are there rules to life in a larger sense? These are not published and universally agreed to, but you have clearly observed that some approaches are successful and others are not.

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daily word - I will find you

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You have my promise that if you seek for me you will find me. But where would you look for me? Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that if you look for me, I will find you.  For you do not know where I am, but I know where you are, and I will meet you there. You are familiar with this concept by arranging a time and place to meet a friend. But this concept goes beyond physical location. It applies to your life circumstances and condition as well.

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daily word - on their way

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Do you carry out the Great Commission? What sort of responses do you encounter? Do you prefer those who are indifferent to those who oppose you? This is a way to avoid conflict, but not a strategy for success. Those who have started their spiritual journey will engage with you even if they don’t agree with you. Those who have not will find the whole subject to be boring. I likened my own generation to children who would not dance to music or mourn for a dirge. They had become indifferent and unresponsive.

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daily word - demolition

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Some building projects begin with bare ground, but for others there is already a structure on the property where the new building will be constructed. In this case, the old building must be removed before the new one can be built, and this process is called demolition. This destruction is a necessary part of the overall process that results in a new building. Have you ever been through a similar process in the building of your own life? Have you ever had your life fall apart in spite of your best efforts to prevent this?

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