daily word - spiritual capital

Dale Cresap's picture

It takes money to buy things. You refer to this as financial capital, and you say that those who have much of it are rich. Is money sufficient for everything you need? Can you recognize that spiritual and emotional capital are also valid concepts? For you can have one without the other, and the verses about the poor being rich in faith and the story of the camel and the eye of the needle imply that these things don’t always go together. What do you need to ‘buy’ with emotional and spiritual capital? If you don’t have enough, come and see me because I have plenty and will hand it over.

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daily word - knowing or doing?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you consider your faith to be one of knowledge or participation? For you know believers who make diligent inquiry to develop a comprehensive set of truth claims, and reduce faith to believing these claims. Has this level of scholarship been available to everyone throughout history? You know that you are saved by grace through faith, and not of works. Yet knowledge puffs up, and you accurately describe your faith as a relationship. Can a relationship be described as works? Can a relationship exist without participation?

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daily word - true self

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What is your identity? Do you look at your achievements and credentials and positive accomplishments and accept them as the essence of your being? Some people do the same thing with their shortcomings, faults, and bad habits. Could it be that both are wrong? These are all acquired things for you started life with none of them. Do you acquire things to present a favorable image to others? This is a recipe for insecurity and you run the risk of convincing yourself that you are the image that you present to others.

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daily word - much is required

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Did you learn eternal truth at an early age? Not everyone had this privilege. Were you instructed in righteousness, and given firm and loving correction for your flaws? Did you have the confidence and security of being raised in a stable home? What does it mean to you when I said much is required from whom much is given? Do you think this applies only to great wealth, fame, and talent? Not everyone had the advantages that you did. This is an opportunity to avoid judgement of those who did not have such favorable circumstances. It is also a chance to ponder what is required of you.

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daily word - true church?

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Does your church claim to be the one true church? There has been enough abuse of this concept over time that thinking believers know better than to claim this openly, but does the underlying and unspoken concept still exist? Do you know of any church that wouldn’t be pleased to have you join them? Have you ever heard a church suggest that perhaps they are not a good fit for you? Yet if there are any areas of disagreement, who is expected to conform to the other? Every church has an identity of its own, and should be willing to recognize that it may not be the right one for you.

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daily word - answered prayer

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Is prayer a matter of asking for and getting anything you want? There are verses that would seem to support this. Has this been your experience? You have agency, but then so do I. if you make all the decisions in our relationship, then which one of us is really God? Have you ever prayed fervently for something, and received it, and in the course of time decided that it was less than ideal for you? Christians wrestle with the problem of unanswered prayer. Did the father in the story of the prodigal realize it was a bad idea to send off his younger son with a lot of money?

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daily word - fixer-upper

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Have you heard of houses and cars referred to as ‘fixer-uppers’? This implies that they are not suitable for immediate use in their current condition, but that they would be with some work, and this is reflected in the price. Anyone making such a purchase knows that it will be a project. You do not normally hear the same terminology applied to people, but the same concepts apply. So when you came to me were you ready for use as-is, or were you a fixer-upper? If you aren’t sure, consider how much work I have done in you since that time. I took you on knowing that you would be a project.

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daily word - wrestling

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Jacob wrestled with a man during the night. Do you assume that this was some random guy lurking around his camp? You know better than that. I was his opponent. Have you ever wrestled with me? I recommend it. It is the process by which your faith is tested and tried, and by which you grow stronger. You don’t have to worry about hurting me. Is there a risk that you will be hurt in the process? You may recall that Jacob walked with a limp from then on, but he got the blessing he asked for. The same rules apply with you. Hang on until you get the blessing.

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daily word - results?

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The Bible encourages belief and promises results for those who have faith. Have you ever prayed for something you really wanted, and believed with everything you had, and not seen the results you wanted? Did you think that if you had more faith it would have worked? Worse yet, have you ever made this observation to someone else, in a dire crisis, that they should have had more faith? Bad form. Don’t do this. Prayer is not like a computer algorithm with known inputs and results, or a standard operating procedure. It is engagement with the mysterious and transcendent divine.

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daily word - inflation

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of inflation only in literal or monetary terms? Do you think this term can apply to people too? Have you ever heard of anyone described as full of themselves? You were built for connection and inflation interferes with this. Have you ever tried to attach two inflated balloons? Ego-inflated people are hard to connect with. I have given you direction to lay down your life, and pick up your cross. John the Baptist decreased that I might increase, and I made myself of no reputation. Do you find that these are difficult to do? Are the benefits obvious?

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