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daily word - evangelism?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you an evangelist? Some believers think of this as a special office that does not apply to them, but my Great Commission was given to all who would follow me. Yet this is not limited to proselyting for the faith. It is the inescapable condition of humanity. Everyone has something they are enthusiastic about. It may be the way they earn their living, or their favorite team or hobby. This is their preferred subject of conversation, and even without intending to they argue on behalf of the value of their interest. So the question isn’t whether or not you are an evangelist, but what for.

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daily word - manner of help?

Dale Cresap's picture

Where do you expect help to come from? Looking to me is a good practice. What form do you expect my assistance to take? Do you expect the heavens to part and have clearly supernatural divine intervention? How often has this happened for you? Yet I still provide for you. Are you disappointed if it comes in very ordinary everyday ways? I can do whatever I want and if I prefer to work in ways that are not obvious, I will. What is a proper response from you? Are you just as aware that it is from me if it is not a miracle? Are you just as grateful?

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daily word - limited?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as limited by your limitations? Does this sound obvious and absurd to consider otherwise? Yet do you see this as a limitation on what I can do through you? A different type of logic applies here. The more you see your limitations and the less certain you are of your own abilities, the more I can use you, that the excellency of  the power may be mine and not yours. Humble yourself under me and I will pour out my Spirit on you.

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daily word - are you the one?

Dale Cresap's picture

Who do you go to for help? Who goes to you? Everyone has someone they go to in their hour of need, but not everyone is on someone else’s list to seek out. People have an intuitive sense or well-founded experience as to who is willing, capable, and available to assist others, and these are sought out while others are not. Which one are you? Do you recall the story of the Good Samaritan? He took the initiative to show kindness to a stranger.

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daily word - mass production?

Dale Cresap's picture

You live in a world of mass production. This is an efficient way to produce an abundance of stuff for multitudes of people. Do you look at evangelism the same way? You have seen mass crusades with many people responding, and there are systematic programs and methods for sharing the gospel. But not everyone will go to a crusade, or respond to a program. But I love these just as much. Do you remember how I left the 99 and put in as much effort as necessary to find the one lost sheep, and rejoiced when I did?

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daily word - worship or love?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think it is more important to worship and honor me or to love people? Of the time that you devote to spiritual activity, how much is directed to the first and how much to the second? Is this a trade-off or are these concepts even separable? Do you remember my story about the sheep and the goats? This is a classic redemption story according to criteria. The sheep were accepted for ministering unto me. They were unaware at the time that they were doing it unto me, but I accepted them nonetheless, and there are no other discriminating criteria given in the story.

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daily word - hungry?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it possible to be blind and not know it? Yet this question was posed to me. What about hunger? This would seem to be among the most primal levels of awareness. Is it possible to be hungry and not know it? Yet you see this constantly. You are surrounded by people who are unaware they are in darkness, striving greatly to satisfy appetites they don’t understand. This explains much of human behavior. Blessed are those who are awake and walking in the light. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they know what their soul longs for, and they shall be satisfied.

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daily word - hero or celebrity?

Dale Cresap's picture

Would you rather be a celebrity or a hero? Celebrities are famous for some reason, typically their own talent or skill. If heroes are known at all, it is because of their sacrifice on behalf of an innocent person or noble cause. Heroes can and should be celebrated, but this doesn’t always occur, and you have heard of unsung heroes. The same concept doesn’t apply to celebrities, for whom the celebration is inherent in the name. You live in a celebrity-conscious society, and they are more prevalent than heroes. But wouldn’t you rather be an unsung hero than a celebrity?

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daily word - investing?

Dale Cresap's picture

People invest money in the hopes of making money. This is a reasonable expectation, but I told you to lay not up for yourselves treasure on earth where it is subject to theft or decay, but to lay up treasure in heaven where it is not subject to loss. Does this seem like sound reasoning? But how do you do that? Do you have a positive influence in the lives of other people? Do you strive to create a better world, beginning with small and simple acts of kindness, hospitality, and generosity to those you encounter during the day?

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daily word - failure?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you feel responsible for the outcome of your ministry? If you are faithful with my word and people do not respond, do you feel as though you have failed? You live in a results-oriented culture, and the one who fails to produce results is blamed for it. Yet the process requires a decision on the part of your audience. This is a decision that only they can make. You can let your light shine and bear witness to the source of that light. You can do and teach all that I commanded. Do this and you have done your part.

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