daily word - wake up!

Dale Cresap's picture

My word says that in me you live and move and have your being. Do you accept this as a matter of doctrine? Do you experience it as a lived reality? This statement implies that I am present and constantly involved in everything that concerns you; in every aspect of your life. Have you experienced this truth in fleeting glimpses? As you become more spiritually aware, do you see it more and more? You are immersed in a spiritual world that is real even when it is unseen. I promised to send the Comforter to lead you into all truth. This awareness is a large part of that truth.

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daily word - full time?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever wish you were in a position to do Christian ministry full time? How do you spend your spare time now? Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Do you think of treasure only as money? What is more valuable to you than time? The way you spend your money says a lot about you, but the way you spend your time says even more. People who are able to organize their time and spend it effectively tend to have enough money to do what they need to do.

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daily word - typecast?

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Have you heard of actors becoming typecast? If they play the same type of character consistently they may be well suited for that role, but considered less versatile for other roles. But this phenomenon isn’t limited to actors. Some people intentionally identify with certain characteristics or interests they have. The urge to establish an identity is powerful and present in every person, but there is a risk that you will typecast yourself and limit your versatility. What do you identify with? I have given you a destiny.

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daily word - minority faith?

Dale Cresap's picture

How many faith traditions are you familiar with? Have you noticed that many countries and regions have a dominant faith? Even if you never visit those areas, you may encounter individuals who are members of that faith. Does it seem to you that people practicing their faith as individuals in a minority follow their faith more graciously than when they have majority power? How do you think your faith looks to them? Would they see the same principle in effect concerning Christianity? I have commissioned you to preach the gospel message to every creature.

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daily word - love your enemies

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Do you find it easier to love people who agree with you and are kind to you, and harder to love those who are disagreeable and mean? That comes as no surprise, but then it isn’t much of a sacrifice either. There should be a distinction between those who live by faith and those who do not, and I pointed out that even sinners love those who love them, so there is no special recognition for that. I have called you to love your enemies, and do good to those who despitefully use you and persecute you.

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daily word - graduate degree?

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Do you have a “graduate degree” in Christianity? Many believers take their faith seriously enough that they make a diligent study of it over a period of many years; more years than they spent in formal education. This is worthwhile and admirable. Have you noticed that academics speak to each other in terminology that the layman doesn’t understand? One risk of the increase of knowledge is that it makes your faith inaccessible to outsiders. Don’t assume that they are familiar with the terminology that you are so accustomed to.

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Bible Meditation on Galatians 3:27 By Stephanie Wylkynsone

Mark Virkler's picture

Biblical meditation (Joshua 1:8) involves many things, with the key ingredient being that God speaks to you through the Scripture passage. Here is an example of God speaking about Galatians 3:27. May we each see ourselves only as God sees us, clothed in Christ's righteousness!

Lord, what do You want to say to me about Galatians 3:27?

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (NASB)

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daily word - better or worse?

Dale Cresap's picture

Does your faith make you a better or worse person? Do you find this question offensive? Yet I addressed it in great length in my interactions with the Pharisees. They were as devout and diligent in their practice of faith as you could ask for. Yet their practices made them less loving, caring, and compassionate, and provided them with excuses for their bad behavior. Their faith took them further away from me and made them worse people than if they had made no profession or affirmation of faith. Don’t think this issue is limited to a small sect that only existed for a short while.

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25 Dates With God by Cheryl McKay

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25 Dates With God - Volume Three: Falling in Love With Jesus is an Inspirational Devotional Book. Cheryl McKay has just released volume three. All three books in this series are available here.

Fall Head Over Heels in Love with Jesus! Imagine it. The Creator of the universe longs for time with you. The Lover of your soul is asking you out on a series of dates. He patiently awaits your response. The Almighty calls: "Come away with Me, My beloved." With every date of your heavenly adventure, you will fall deeper in love with Jesus, the One who stretched out His arms and died for you. He is calling for a deeper love relationship with you. Are you ready to answer the call? Will you accept Jesus’ invitation into a greater love story?

Journey through 25 more dates, including indoor hideaways for fall and winter. Curl up with the One who loves you beyond imagining.

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daily word - your thorn?

Dale Cresap's picture

Is there some big obstacle standing in your way; some impediment that prevents you from making the progress you want in your life? Perhaps you do not see things the same way I do. Paul complained of a thorn in his flesh, something he did not want and asked me three times to remove. This is what he wanted but I told him that my grace was sufficient for him. This is not what he wanted but he found out it was true and the thorn I refused to remove was part of my process of grace in his life. Do you have a thorn of your own? Are you still at the stage of asking me to remove it?

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