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daily word - doing right?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gotten in trouble for doing something right? We are accustomed to the idea that we can get in trouble for doing things wrong, and expect to get commended for doing things right. But have you ever made a stand for principle or truth for which you paid a price? Did you pay the price cheerfully, or did you resent it and feel that you were the victim of a great injustice? Did you regret doing right because it cost you? Don’t you admire others who will take an unpopular stand on principle as opposed to seeking their own gain?

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What Is the BEST Marriage Counseling?

Mark Virkler's picture

Marriage is a lifelong adventure, enriched by a couples constantly deepening union built upon continuing personal, interpersonal and spiritual growth with the ultimate goal of assisting one another in achieving their God-given destiny.

“My name is Cindy [name changed] and I completed Prayers That Heal the Heart about 6 months ago. Through the process of God healing my heart, the Lord instructed me to pray for my ex-husband. As I continued to pray for him, our friendship has been restored and he and I both have the desire for our marriage to be restored. Is there any counseling that Communion with God Ministries offers that can lead and guide us toward restoration of our marriage?”  - Cindy

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daily word - best or worst?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you judge people by the best things they do or the worst? Is it easy to judge people you like by their best and those you do not by their worst? An objective statistician considering this question would probably say that neither of these is correct because the best and worst are outliers and not representative of consistent behavior. How do you judge yourself? Your own consistent behavior is the best indicator of your character. Your sins are forgiven, and to dwell only on the best things you have done is to overlook areas that need improvement.

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daily word - Kingdom now!

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you see as the main theme of my message? That heaven will be glorious when you get there? But didn’t I put more emphasis on the Kingdom of God as a present reality? Didn’t my illustrations and actions all declare the Kingdom as immediate and available now? I did promise to return, and told my followers to watch for me, but this is not the same  thing as waiting for the Kingdom of God to come. You should indeed watch for my return, and great is your reward in heaven, but neither of these things should cause you to miss out on the reality of living in my Kingdom today.

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daily word - enemy groups?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find that your enemies occur in groups of people that you do not identify with? Do you judge your enemies by the worst examples of their groups? Does that make your task easier to criticize them? But doesn’t every group produce good and bad examples, including your own? What does my word tell you about loving your enemies? If you would do this, then try considering those groups that oppose you by the best examples they produce. That would make a fair comparison to the examples you use to evaluate your own group, and would make you a better example of yours.

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daily word - offenses

Dale Cresap's picture

My word warns about the danger of offenses. Woe unto those who cause these little ones to stumble. So you should strive to live your life in a way that avoids giving offense to others. But there are two sides to this issue. You should also strive to avoid receiving offense. So here you have two opportunities to live in a sacrificial way. As a result you may have the opportunity to overlook the behavior of others that you would not do to them. Have you heard it said that you should do unto others as you would have them do to you?

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daily word - prophets

Dale Cresap's picture

What do you think are the qualifications for a prophet? In some circles a bad disposition and a big mouth and a judgmental attitude are enough. Yet true prophets are commissioned by God and anyone who claims this title should welcome the scrutiny it invites and you should be eager to give it. Is it enough to be accurate in what you foretell or forthtell? Those who operate in this gift should do more than bring judgment and correction. How hard is it to be an accuser? That job is adequately staffed with a multitude of volunteers. A true prophet brings forth words with redemptive purpose.

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daily word - prophesy?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you desire to prophesy? My word says that you should earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. Not all recognize the validity of this gift, and not all who do desire to exercise it. Yet this verse implies that it is available for those who will. Prophets of old had limited life spans, and I made the emphatic point that these special messengers of God were killed by those who did not like their message. So some of the gifts I offer have a risk attached to them. Prophets may not be stoned to death today but exercising this gift may not make you popular.

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daily word - warrior?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see me as a warrior? There are many Old Testament portrayals of a martial God of vengeance, and you see the same qualities attributed to me in the Book of Revelation. Yet do you find any contrast between those images and the life I lived on earth? Didn’t I tell my followers to put away their swords, to turn the other cheek, and to refrain from calling down fire from heaven on those who opposed them? Am I not known as the Prince of Peace rather than the God of War? Since I have called you to follow me it is important for you to get this right.

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daily word - holy ground

Dale Cresap's picture

I told Moses to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. Have you ever stood on holy ground? Did you take off your shoes? Can you see how this is an appropriate response? Are you aware that you are standing on holy ground all the time? Where would you go that you would stand on ground that I did not create? But I do not expect you to forsake the wearing of shoes altogether. Do you live your life with a constant awareness of divine presence?

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