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daily word - loving eyes

Dale Cresap's picture

I describe love as hoping, bearing, and believing all things. Does this mean that love is naïve? If you applied the same terms to a person would you say that they are loving or gullible? You say that love is blind, but true love is not unaware. How do you look through loving eyes? Can you look at love not as naïve, but rather as a powerful influence that can bring into being that which is not yet visible? Love doesn’t see less than what is visible; it sees more. It sees potential and trusts in the ultimate and transcendent forces to realize it, and so brings it about.

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daily word - redeem the least?

Dale Cresap's picture

Mass shootings are big stories that generate outrage. This is an appropriate response to the death of innocent people. How could someone be so alienated from humanity to take the lives of strangers? Yet more people die by suicide, and this does not generate such a strong response. How could someone be so alienated from humanity as to take their own life? These questions are more similar than different. No organ can survive apart from the body that gives it life, and the same principle applies to people that I describe as members of a body.

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daily word - evidence?

Dale Cresap's picture

When people of differing faith traditions get together they like to argue about whose version of doctrine is correct. How often do you see anyone change their mind as the result of such a discussion? Perhaps a better approach is to compare practical, visible measures of the beneficial effects of adopting a particular faith. Are the people who convert to this faith more loving and kind, more generous and less violent than they were before? This is a stronger argument for the validity of a faith than one based on doctrinal correctness. Transformed lives are irrefutable evidence.

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daily word - seekers

Dale Cresap's picture

Everyone who seeks the truth hears my voice, and he who seeks will find. Do you know people who seem to be honestly seeking something, even if they don’t know what it is? Let your light shine before them to help them to see the truth. Someone else’s path may be different from yours, and this is OK. You don’t have to force them on a path that is not theirs. Based on the promises above you can be confident that their search will lead to me. Does this seem like a strong statement for a universal rule? But I have powerful forces at my disposal to guide honest seekers to me.

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daily word - narcissism?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with narcissism? Even before this term was in common usage you knew people who were selfish, self-absorbed, and ‘all about them’. You know that this is a diminished expression of humanity, and such people are avoided for good reason. Is anyone entirely free from this? It seems to be a common human affliction to some degree, but you also know people who are at the other end of the spectrum and admire them and wish to emulate them for good reason. What qualities should you seek to overcome selfishness?

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daily word - grateful alcoholic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard of grateful alcoholics? Alcohol has devastated the lives of many, and recovery from the effects of this addiction is a long and painful process. So is there anything here to be grateful for? Those who describe themselves this way would say that this path, even with the pain and suffering it involves, has brought them to a greater expression of humanity and spirituality than they would have had without it. And so they are grateful in spite of the pain and suffering. How do you view the difficult aspects of your own life? Do you resent them?

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daily word - safe?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard that the safest place in the world is in my will? If you are to accept this proposition, you may have to rethink your definition of safety. Consider how many people have paid the ultimate price and lost their lives because they were obedient to me. You remember them and honor them as martyrs. How strong is your desire to live a life of destiny, full of meaning and purpose? Is this greater than your fear of death? For there are values even higher than safety, and you will die whether you lead a meaningful life or not.

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daily word - trust people?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard anyone say, I will only trust in God and believe in God; I will never trust or believe in people? Does this sound more righteous, or self-righteous, or bitter to you? There is a sense in which it is appropriate to trust and believe in me alone; people will disappoint you. Yet you cannot fulfill my destiny for you if you remain in suspicious isolation. You cannot form the human connections you need to be a part of my body or to engage in a cause greater than yourself if you refuse to trust people. You are well aware of the risks of believing in and trusting people.

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daily word - spiritual rigor

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you appreciate and follow a path of rigor in intellectual things? This would include rules for evidence, unbiased and free investigation, and letting conclusions flow from facts and reasoning rather than starting from conclusions and trying to force fit facts. Do you follow a path of rigor in spiritual things? This would include the same rules listed above if you are to live a reasonable faith. Does it include anything else? The conclusions you reach in your spiritual search have implications for the way you should live your life.

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daily word - relationship

Dale Cresap's picture

You describe your faith in me as a relationship, and you are right, but you are involved in many relationships, and each has its own character and depth. Some are just relationships in passing, such as for a single commercial transaction. Others revolve around a common interest or activity, such as hobbies or ideological persuasions. Relationships require some common ground, but they can still be fleeting and superficial. Do you think of your relationship with me as the one with the most depth of meaning and purpose? Do you values these same qualities in your relationships with people?

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