Daily Word - why?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever wondered why I do what I do? Would it be easier to obey me if you knew my purpose in advance? Have you inquired of me about my motives and received no reply? I do not routinely explain myself or submit to examination. Do not assume that you could comprehend my ways, but I long to reveal them to you. Who has known my mind, or given me counsel? Yet I reveal things to you by my Spirit as you walk in them. Haven’t you found this to be true already? Can’t you look back and see how my hand was in things you didn’t understand at the time? The same principle applies now.

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daily word - faith critic?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you feel free to bash other faiths? There is a level of essential disagreement with those who hold different world views, and these are points at which you may not yield or compromise. But you can agree to disagree agreeably, and be respectful in your differences. You can do this without invective or attack. You have observed those who make it a personal crusade to denigrate other faiths by any means available. Do you think that this advances the cause of truth? Do you have any record of me doing this?

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daily word - God's topics

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to hear my voice? I promised that you would, and my motivation for you to hear me is greater than yours. Since I know everything, you can ask me anything, but some inquiries are better than others. Do you want to have detailed plans about your own future? Do you want to have special insider knowledge of future events such as the end of the ages? What about definitive answers to long-standing doctrinal disputes? Don’t make this difficult for me. Don’t ask me to give you a burden that you can’t bear. I have so many other things to tell you.

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daily word - literally?

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Do you think that taking the Bible literally is the only respectable position for serious believers? Consider my words to my disciples to beware of the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees. They thought I made this statement because we were out of bread. I chided them for their little faith and inability to comprehend transcendent truth. In other words I chided them for taking my words literally. You have encountered people who can see no meaning beyond the surface. This is not something to strive for, but neither is explaining away the plain meaning of eternal truth.

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daily word - empathy?

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Do you know people that you would describe as sensitive? Are they discerning of the hurts and needs of other people, or does their sensitivity extend only to things that bother them? Empathy, sympathy, and compassion are highly regarded qualities in every faith tradition, including your own. But in them all it is implied that they extend outward to others rather than being consumed internally. If you can apply these qualities toward others more than yourself then the more sensitive you are the better you are able to discern and minister to the needs of others.

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daily word - want transformation?

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My word offers you the promise that you can be transformed into my likeness. Is this what you really want? Does this promise become less appealing the more you are established in your own identity? Do you understand the process that is required in this transformation? There is much that you must let go of for it to be accomplished. You can also expect to be sifted like wheat, to die to yourself and pick up your cross and follow me. This also involves a thorn in your flesh and walking with a limp. This is the path to transformation.

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daily word - entrance exam?

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Do you understand that you are saved by grace through faith rather than by works? This is a strong theme in the Bible. Do you know Christians who live their lives as if they would have to pass a test on basic doctrine to enter the Kingdom of God? There is no support for this in the Bible. Consider how I lived my life. I told a story about a Good Samaritan, and commended a Centurion for his faith. I told the woman at the well that she was not worshipping in spirit and in truth, but did not reject her.

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Daily Word - + or -?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see yourself as a positive or negative person? Are you looking for truth or looking for error? If you take the truth seriously, you will be sensitive to things that are not true. Yet if you make this your search, you will find error according to the principle that you will find what you seek. Strive to agree, even with your adversary. Look for points of agreement before points of disagreement. Affirm before you criticize. This makes you a friend who is in a position to correct, rather than an enemy who just attacks, and makes it possible for you to win your brother over.

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daily word - rules or humanity?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever encountered a conflict between humanity and doctrine? Which do you think is more important? I encountered the same question in the form of whether it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or to satisfy your hunger on the Sabbath. I pointed out that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. This implies that the needs of humanity are greater than rule observation, for the rules exist for the benefit of people, and not the other way around. As the Lord of the Sabbath I was qualified to make this judgment.

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