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daily word - choose your leader

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see people who are recognized as spiritual leaders for whom you have no admiration, and others that you do admire? Do you have a spiritual leader of your own? As a citizen of a country you are under whatever system of government is in place. You may have had the chance to vote for your leaders, or not, and your candidate may have lost the election, but you live with the outcome whatever it is. There are leaders in my Kingdom as well, but the selection process is different. You are free to affiliate with the church of your choice, so in that sense you get to select your leader.

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daily word - nature of faith?

Dale Cresap's picture

Faith and doctrine are central features of your faith. Do you think of faith only in terms of doctrine? Do you think you must have everything correctly understood before your faith has meaning? Do you recall the story of the Centurion with the sick servant? I commended him for having greater faith than I had found in Israel. Consider the magnitude of this statement. What did he believe? Would you expect a Roman to have faith according to correct doctrine? Yet I still commended him. Exercise faith according to what you understand and I will lead you into all truth.

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daily word - who cares?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘tell someone who cares?’ Have you ever said it? This is a harsh statement and is thought more than it is spoken. Have you ever heard someone tell you about something in their life that you didn’t really care about but expressed the courtesy of listening? Everyone has a story and everyone needs to be heard. This is therapeutic and an expression of human compassion. When was the last time someone really listened to you? You can pay it forward. Give the gift of your attention to someone who is lonely and isolated. Be the one who cares.

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daily word - disabilities

Dale Cresap's picture

When you see someone with a disability, do you give them an extra measure of grace and consideration? Some disabilities are obvious, such as those that limit mobility. What about others? Who do you know that isn’t fighting a battle of some sort, to overcome inherent limitations or unfavorable circumstances? Do you make an issue of whether they made bad choices that led to their current condition? It isn’t necessary to be so judgmental. When you see someone in a wheelchair, do you ask if they were at fault in the accident that led to this? In like manner you can give grace to everyone.

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daily word - fire with fire

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of fighting fire with fire? Wouldn’t it make more sense to use water? Are you grieved at the hatred and anger that you see in the world around you? Do you want to do something about it? Yet have you seen people attempt to oppose hatred and anger with hatred and anger? Doesn’t this just serve to escalate the supply of these things? Doesn’t it make more sense to become the opposite of what you oppose? In that case you should become more loving to oppose hatred and anger. I wouldn’t have told you to overcome evil with good if it wasn’t the best way.

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daily word - challenging truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you find it disturbing to have your truth paradigms challenged? This can occur in two ways. You may find that there are precepts that you accepted that don’t stand up in real-life experience. You may also find that there is truth outside of your tradition. Are you prepared to reject things that don’t work and embrace those that do? Which of these do you find to be more difficult? Do you view your life as a journey in the pursuit of truth, and follow wherever it leads, continually refining and enlarging your understanding? Have faith.

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daily word - empathy and compassion

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of empathy and compassion as the same thing? They are similar, but there is a difference. Empathy is a feeling. Compassion implies a response, and this is the term you find in the Bible. Have you ever heard of someone being moved with empathy? Yet you have heard of people being moved with compassion. Movement implies action, and you should take this connection seriously. If you encounter someone whose situation is so bad that you want to respond, let yourself be moved with compassion and do something to assist them.

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daily word - wild kingdom

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to view wild animals? You can see them in the zoo, but would you agree that it is better to encounter them in their natural habitat than in captivity? You take pictures of them and share them and your friends like them. There is something embedded in humanity that responds to the majesty of these great creatures. What is it, and why does this matter? Are you prepared to see this as a spiritual experience? They are part of my created order that reflects my glory.

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daily word - total healing

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard anyone say that they have been stabbed in the back, kicked in the guts, or are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders? You know that these are just metaphors, but each one refers to a physical bodily injury or burden. Have you ever felt physical pain from an emotional or spiritual wound? Your doctor may not be able to help you with this, but I can. Come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

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daily word - kept

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever made a firm declaration that you would never deny me or fall away from the faith? Peter did, and he was wrong. You may have the best of intentions in all sincerity. Have you ever done anything that was contrary to prior intentions? I do not raise these questions to condemn you or discourage you, but to teach you. Do you think that your steadfastness in the faith is up to you? You do not hold yourself, but I hold you in the palm of my hand. An appropriate response would be humility and gratitude. You are a creature of grace.

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