daily word - be prepared

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Do you take comfort in the promise of my return? You should. I told you to look for me and love my appearing. How do you do this? You know believers who set dates and try to correlate world events with Biblical prophecy, and to identify the coming Antichrist. Does this make you a better person? People have been setting dates for my return for centuries, and so far none of them have been right, obviously. What is the best way to anticipate my return and prepare yourself for it? You have assignments now and spiritual development work still to complete.

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daily word - spiritually fussy?

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Are you spiritually fussy, or do you hunger and thirst after righteousness? Have you had difficulty in finding a church that is a good fit for you? Everyone has their preferences and depending on how narrow yours are you may not be able to satisfy them all with what is available to you. But your fussiness regarding food will vary depending on how hungry you are, and you will not starve with food available even if it isn’t your first choice. Do you see how the same principle applies spiritually? Is your spiritual hunger great enough to overcome your fussiness?

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daily word - humble preaching

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Do you present the gospel message to those you meet? This is your part of the Great Commission. What responses have you received? You will find some who are hostile and belligerent. Are you tempted to respond in like manner? But this will result in an argument rather than a convert. What should your demeanor be? How often have you been persuaded by someone who is angry and confrontational? Be as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove. If you present yourself as a humble seeker then you will have rapport when you find another one, and win a friend and possibly a brother.

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daily word - Big Mistake

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Are you familiar with the problem of body image issues? Do you think this only affects adolescent girls? Could it be that everyone has body image issues; that it is so pervasive that you are unaware of it? According to the Genesis account, this was not present at the very beginning, but was the first acquired trait from the Big Mistake. People have worn clothing ever since. Could the underlying shame be a source of self-alienation even for people who are covered? The Big Mistake was a spiritual issue more than a physical one.

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daily word - give account?

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Do you expect to one day give an account for your life? What standard would you expect to be used for evaluation? Do you prefer to be evaluated on the basis of correct beliefs and doctrine? But the purpose of the gospel message is to transform your life. Have you not heard it said that this is the evidence of the validity of the message? Would you prefer not to be evaluated by this criteria? Would you cite the Bible passages about the difference between works and grace to support your claim?

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daily word - hope

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Do you have hope? When you express hope, is it usually for a desired outcome, that your car will start, that you will pass a test, that the weather will favor your intentions? But not everything you hoped for turns out the way you desired. Can you still have hope in a more universal and transcendent sense? Can you have hope in a way that doesn’t depend on particular outcomes? Transcendent hope is based on the premise that I am good, that I watch over your life and am involved in it. If you know this you can have hope in an ultimate sense, that isn’t dependent on particular events.

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daily word - Christian nation?

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Do you live in a Christian nation? You are fortunate if you live in a country that is governed by the rule of law by the consent of the people, that respects civil rights and has a system of justice, that strives to secure and respect personal freedoms even if these things are done imperfectly. But it is not reasonable to expect your government to sponsor your faith journey. That is a journey that only you can commit to, and no government can make it happen even if it is benevolent, or thwart it even if it is hostile. I am your companion and guide on this journey.

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daily word - your identity?

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How do you see yourself? Have you crafted an identity that you present to the world, the total of your hobbies and interests and education and profession and national origin, among others? But you are more than the sum of these things. I gave you a perfectly good identity that is intrinsic in your being; you don’t need to make one out of spare parts. Be careful how you define yourself, for the identity that you craft is one of distinctions that can leave you isolated from those who do not share them.

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daily word - core strength

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Have you noticed a new emphasis on core strength? This is an important aspect of fitness. Have you noticed that everyone has a particular area of emphasis in their life? Based on education and even more so experience they have become an expert on that subject. Have you seen that this is true in the people you meet, even apart from academic credentials? In my body are many members and like the organs in your body each serves a unique purpose. Each is necessary and all should be honored and respected for what they contribute.

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daily word - mercy and justice?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in mercy and justice? Which do you think is more important? Can you see that it is difficult to have both at the same time? Do you find that people tend to lean toward one or the other? Those who prefer justice should have a high regard for the principles of justice. This would include a uniform standard applied to every person. But have you seen judgmental people who are eager to excuse their friends and condemn their enemies by holding them to different standards? So it is difficult to hold mercy and justice at the same time, but it is really easy to hold neither one.

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