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money meaningless?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you expect to be rich in heaven? It is not a place of poverty, and the descriptions you have suggest abundance. In this world you use money to keep score. Those who have it know that they are on top and those who do not wish that they did, so everyone is aware of it whether they have it or not. Even unbelievers say that you can’t take it with you, and believers realize that in heaven money is not a meaningful concept. That is not the same thing as being rich. Paul knew both how to be abased and how to abound, but these are both monetary references. Are you prepared to let go of money as a meaningful concept? 

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Curses Removed - Expect National Transformation

Mark Virkler's picture

Several prophetic voices believe the nation shifted spiritually on October 21, 2016 on what may go down as one of the most important days in American history!

Largely unnoticed, 1,000 Native American Indian tribes from the United States and Canada collectively forgave the U.S. government for breaking treaties with their ancestors during a public ceremony on the National Mall.

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hard to classify

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed how many groups claim to represent me, or claim that I am on their side? I warned about this when I said that many would come in my name, and that you should be wary of them. Many claim that I am aligned with them, but I am not so easily owned. Have you noticed yourself moving in the same direction the longer you follow me? You should expect this. The affiliations that you take on to build an identity are divisions peculiar to this world. I have invited you to be transformed into my likeness. The more you belong to my Kingdom which is not of this world the harder you are to classify here. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of karma? You may recognize this term from eastern religions as the idea that good will be rewarded and evil punished. You may reject karma as not being of Christian origin, but do you hold to the same idea without the name? Do you think that sinners other than yourself are getting lenient terms from me? Consider those who worked all day in the vineyard. They thought the late-comers were paid too much. The elder brother resented the generosity of the father to the prodigal son. Come to me and rejoice in my grace poured out on others as much as on you and you shall be the children of your Father in heaven. 

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church hurts

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have a story of pain and bad treatment that you received at church? Do you know any believers who don’t? You understand that the search for a perfect church would be futile. They are all attended by fallible people. You are one of these yourself, and so you may have contributed to someone else’s church pain story even without knowing it. And yet I am still present in my church despite its imperfections, and I am at work in you to bring forth my likeness in you even through the trials and difficulties you face. Don’t focus on them or let them consume you. Look to me to give you the grace to look forward and move forward. 

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finding meaning?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you looking for a meaningful life? Advertisers spend extravagant sums to tell emotionally engaging stories and introduce their product at the last moment to imply there is a connection. You don’t have to be very smart to see there isn’t, but they are betting millions you won’t notice. Such is the intensity of the intrinsic human desire for meaning. The desire for engagement with something transcendent is undeniable. You won’t find it in advertiser’s claims or in buying the products they offer, but it is still available. You just have to look for it in the right place. Seek and you will find. 

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messy desk

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever seen a messy desk? You wonder how anyone could find a particular item there. Computers do not lend themselves to such a disorganized approach. Every file must be assigned a location somewhere in the directory structure. Which approach do you use to classify people? There is a strong human bias to assign categories, and to classify the people you meet according to observable characteristics. This is called stereotyping and it is an ugly habit when applied to such characteristics as race. If you are open to see it you will find that people don’t fit easily into neat categories. It is better to take a messy desk approach to them rather than forcing a fit. 

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patient truth

Dale Cresap's picture

My word relates an incident in which a man was preaching according to the baptism of John. Some other believers overheard him and afterwards spoke to him privately to give him the rest of the story of the gospel, including the crucifixion, resurrection, and redemption that it brought. Have you ever been tempted to set someone straight whose understanding of the truth was incomplete? Can you see the advantages of doing this privately? Someone making proclamations to an audience is more likely to be defensive than receptive, and neither speaker nor audience benefits from a conflicted message. Truth can be patient until the time is right. 

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suffering wrong?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you that it is better to suffer wrong without cause than to sue your brother in the courts. This is stated in regard to this specific condition, so it could be interpreted as having a narrow application. Do you think the same principle could be applied broadly? Are there other ways in which it is better to endure an offense rather than to take active measures in reaction to it? Most people make such decisions intuitively and overlook minor slights, rudeness, and insults. Let this be your preferred method of dealing with provocations, that you resist not evil and conduct yourselves as the children of your Father in heaven. 

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