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Discover the “Unfair” Advantage of 5-Fold Counsel


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you know that there are various types of questions? They can be innocent and honest, and lead to a search for answers, or at least greater understanding. Questions can also be implied arguments or attacks, used to call into question an opponent’s premises. In this case the question is used to close down the search for answers and meaning. Note that the question may be identical in both cases. The difference is in the intent. I posed some questions myself, for the purpose of expounding truth and leading people to God. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? 

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full of yourself?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard of people referred to as full of themselves? This is a peculiar statement, because who else would they be full of? Yet you know what is meant and it is never intended as a compliment. Such people are too eager to fill up any silence with their words, to expound their own opinions, to defend themselves fiercely and attack others. What is the absence of these qualities? Resist not evil (against yourself). Lay down your life and pick up your cross. Be willing to decrease that others may increase. A broken spirit and a contrite heart. You find these qualities attractive in people and I do too.

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like guaranteed results? Do you want to expect with certainty that other people will perform as they promise and hold yourself to the same standard? How well do you find that this works for others, and for yourself? You can only do what you can do, and the rest is out of your hands. Even if you do everything that you intend, there are factors beyond your control. Realize this and be gentle with yourself. I said that the poor in spirit were blessed leaving you to wonder what it meant to be poor in spirit. This is an aspect of it. Obey what I give you to obey realizing that the outcome is in my hands, and know that this principle applies to everyone. 

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my voice

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to hear my voice? What do you expect it to sound like? What if it comes through the mouth of another person, perhaps someone you know or even a stranger? Have you ever had this happen to you, that someone’s words are illuminated to you, and you knew that they were full of divine insight and purpose for you? This can happen even if the other person is unaware of it. Sometimes my voice coming through another person is enhanced rather than diminished when they don’t say, ‘Thus saith the Lord’. Yet if their words resonate with you with divine life you should respond to them as if the heavens parted and they came from above. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I commended a Centurion who approached me for his great faith, but you can tell by inference that the story didn’t start there. He came on behalf of his servant rather than for himself or his immediate family, indicating that he had compassion and saw the man as more than an economic resource. He further demonstrated humility to come to me in person to place his request, crossing lines of culture, religion, status, and wealth. All of this happened before he recognized that I could heal at a distance. Faith and virtue rarely occur in isolation. If you want to see great acts of faith practice those qualities that precede them. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that most people expect to go to heaven? What do they expect it to be like? Believers relate it to a church service, and those who do not practice faith expect it to be like a family reunion. Both groups may not be very enthusiastic about heaven because they are not very enthusiastic about these things that they have experienced and are available to them. I don’t give many details about what is to come, but I do promise that you will know as you are known, and that the things you now see in a glass darkly you will then see face to face. Is this enough to make you enthusiastic about going to heaven? 

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work it out

Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. What do you make of this? Do you understand this to mean that your salvation is in doubt, and that you must secure it by your own efforts? Yet you are saved by grace through faith, not of your own works. If you approach this verse with the premise that your salvation is not up for grabs, then what does it mean? Don’t settle for mundane vision and lead a mundane life. You have entered an eternal drama and your words and actions have consequences that will echo forever. You should be awestruck at the part you are called to play. 

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approval rating?

Dale Cresap's picture

How great is your need for approval? If you were to perform some prominent ministry, for instance serving as a prophet, would you expect to be recognized for it? Yet prophets in ancient times were effective in their service because they did not require approval. They spoke for me and in most cases it cost them their lives even as I pointed out to those who maintained their tombs. You may hesitate to go to this extreme, but the same principle applies at any level. No man can serve two masters and so if you continue to follow me you will have to make a choice between me and public opinion. Don’t let your need for approval make you compromise your faith. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you become so familiar with the Bible that you can read it on autopilot, without engaging the story? Familiarity breeds complacency, and causes things that are shocking to lose their impact. Consider the story of the Centurion with the sick servant. I offered to come and heal the man but the Centurion said that was not necessary since he was confident that I could heal at a distance. I healed the servant and marveled that I had not seen so great a faith in Israel. What would be a modern day equivalent? Can you imagine Billy Graham addressing a stadium full of Christians and saying how could it be that this Moslem has greater faith than any Christian I have met? Does that bring the point home? 

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my friend

Dale Cresap's picture

What terms do you use to describe me? I have many names from scripture. You say that I am loving and you are right. Would you say that I am friendly? This is a highly rated quality among people and is always considered a compliment. You even extend this to computer programs when you say that they are user-friendly. I spent several years with my disciples during which I chided them for their little faith, but at the end of my time with them I changed the terms by calling them no longer servants but friends. This was higher than any title or office I could confer on them and it is available to you too. Will you be my friend? 

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