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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you discipline your children? If your child ran into the street, would you use it as an opportunity to correct them and teach them the dangers of traffic? What if they ran into the street and were hit by a car? Would you apply discipline in that case? Hopefully not. In this case they have suffered enough. The purpose of discipline was that this case might be avoided. My word teaches you that I chasten and correct my sons. Do not confuse this with punishment for sin. As in the case above I provide you with instruction and correction that you may be spared the real injuries of bad choices. 

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default yes

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you looking for opportunities to serve me? Do you want to be led by my Spirit in doing so? If you are waiting for a prompt, and are not sensitive in hearing from me, you will not find many opportunities. Are you familiar with defaults from using computers? If your default is ‘no’, then you will walk past many places where I could use you. What if your default was yes? Then you would assume that every assignment was for you unless I told you no. This would involve a continuous running dialogue, but it would result in more opportunities realized for you. Does this seem like an unrealistic approach? Try it and see if it doesn’t lead you to greater sensitivity and awareness. 

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True Self?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make an effort to see everyone you meet according to the essence of their being, the way that I made them? Do they make it difficult for you because they see themselves as what they wear or what they drive or other possessions? Event those who realize that this perspective is shallow still see themselves in terms of acquired titles and credentials and achievements. But the true essence of their being existed from birth. It is hard to see them that way if they refuse to see themselves that way. You can minister life to them by looking beyond the identity they have constructed to engage with who they really are. 

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Bible Truth?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe that the Bible is true? Many have investigated the basis and claims of the Bible in great depth and found them to be true. Others are still skeptical and this is ultimately a matter of faith. Do you understand the difference between proving the Bible to be right and using the Bible to prove yourself right? Surely you have seen people from opposing viewpoints eager to quote scriptures to defend their positions. They usually use different scriptures, but does this matter if they come from the same book? Perhaps this should make you reconsider the way in which you use the Bible. If you approach it without a predetermined position it will speak for itself. 

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love and fear

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of fear and courage as opposites? Yet my word teaches that fear and love are opposites. Do you  consider yourself to be free of fear? Take a step back to a more basic question. Are you easily threatened; brought into a state of stress by circumstances, conditions, or challenges to your faith? These are precursors to fear. Fear is a sin and like other sins it is preceded by temptation which in this case is the acceptance of a threat. If you are confident of my love regardless of any challenge and know that nothing shall harm you or take you out of my hand then you can operate in love which is the true essence of your being. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you want to be transformed into my likeness? My word says that as you openly behold me you are changed from one degree of glory to another even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Does that sound too easy? Yet consider those who have encountered my presence as recorded in my word. They were awestruck and undone by the experience. In this condition they were clearly out of their ‘comfort zone’, but this is the only place that real change takes place, and this is particularly true of transformational as opposed to incremental change. Do you still want to be transformed into my likeness if it involves your devastation? 

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purpose of prayer

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your prayers as a shopping list; things you need to get from God? Do you assume that if you aren’t getting the results you want you need to step up the effort? My word says that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. Yet is this the only purpose for prayer? Have you noticed that before prayer changes your circumstances it changes you? Do you see this as a side effect or the main purpose?  Are you willing to change your paradigm and approach prayer as a means for your own transformation as opposed to getting what you want? Are you willing to pray for your own transformation with the same fervency you do for the things on your list?

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judge of beauty?

Dale Cresap's picture

Every beauty pageant has contestants, and judges to determine the winners. Yet everyone is in a beauty pageant whether they sign up for it or not, and are beauty pageant judges whether they apply for this position or not. For there are social and cultural benefits to attractiveness, and those who fit the right template have advantages, both men and women. Is anyone unaware of this? Yet there is one who is qualified to judge beauty, and that is the one who made it to begin with. Only his judgment is righteous and true. Everyone else should make a deliberate effort to resign from the position of beauty pageant judge. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever felt the pain of rejection? Not all pain occurs in your nerves, and you know how much this hurts. Realizing this, you should not consider yourself free to reject anyone. This is true regardless of their beliefs, nationality, status, or station in life. In so doing you will be following my example. Yet even so others will reject you. How are you to deal with this? Treat them with grace and do not try to force a connection or acceptance that they will not accept. If the only thing left to you is to depart from them then do so in peace, leaving the door open, at least on your side. What more can you do than this? 

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Judge not

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that there are different levels of spiritual development? I have called you from one degree of glory to another. Do you find it hard not to be judgmental toward those whom you regard as being less spiritually advanced than yourself? Beware when you think you stand. Shouldn’t you become less judgmental the more you mature? If maturity increases with age, perhaps you should refrain from judgment toward those who are no more advanced than you were at the same age. This is based on simple logic and it is only a small step from here to realizing that you are not in a position to judge someone else’s servant at all, and I am capable of doing a quick work in them.

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