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whose disciple?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you noticed how many Christians seem to be a disciple of someone? Even within the larger context of the Christian faith as a whole and the various denominations that everyone seems to have a favorite teacher or author or pastor? There is nothing wrong with this as such, and you can receive a great benefit through discipleship under the teaching of those who have gone before and are more advanced than you. Let it not lead to division as my word spoke of those who followed Paul, or Apollo, or Christ. You have a unique path of discipleship to walk. Let others do the same within the larger context of unity in one body and one faith. 

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wise and young at heart

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever encountered a young person who displayed wisdom beyond what you would expect for their age? You say that such a person is wise beyond their years, and this is a desirable trait. Have you also encountered people advanced in years who still retain a sense of vitality, adventure, openness to grow and change, wonder and mystery? You say that such a person is young at heart, and this too is desirable. Have you seen these qualities together in the same person? Both are available at any age to those who desire them for they are timeless gifts from me. Ask and seek and knock and you will receive. 

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life insurance?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you have life insurance? This is a prudent financial measure for those who have others depending on their income, and most people in this position have it if they are able, but this is not something people get excited about. Do you view your faith as life insurance? Crusades present the gospel in such a way that those who respond will have eternal life, but have you noticed that those who make no stronger response are about as excited with regard to their faith as they are about their life insurance? There is so much more available to you. Go ‘all-in’ with me and you will have an abundant life to be excited about. 

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love everyone

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you that by this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you love one another. Does this make you wonder who qualifies as one another? For this verse implies that you must make a distinction between who is and who is not. I faced a similar question with regard to loving your neighbor as to who is my neighbor? In reply I told the story of the Good Samaritan. This was an illustration with a purpose because there was cultural hostility between the Samaritans and the Jews. The point of the story was to err on the side of inclusion in deciding to love your neighbor, and the same rule applies to loving one another.  

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the garden

Dale Cresap's picture

In the beginning there was a garden, and the man and the woman lived there, and there I met with them. You are familiar with the story and know that their behavior caused them to be expelled from the garden. Yet even then I declared a plan for redemption, and you have seen this plan unfold throughout history. With your salvation secured is it possible to return to the garden? You will be disappointed if you try to search for it in a particular geographic location, but if you are receptive to the idea you can find a spiritual place of refuge and sanctuary where you can walk with me in my presence and hear my voice and know that I hear yours. 

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gifts and character

Dale Cresap's picture

My word says that the gifts of God are without repentance. Do you take this to mean that you don’t have to repent to get them, or that I will not repent of giving them to you? There is a separate chilling passage about those who did mighty works in my name. I did not dispute their claims, but still told them to depart from me because I never knew them. Have you ever seen someone operating in an ability that is obviously a gift from me, yet doing so in a way that doesn’t honor my nature and intent? Gifts are not a substitute for character. Spend your talents in a way that glorifies me. 

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prayer connection

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you pray? Do you believe that I hear your prayers? You normally talk to other people rather than talking to yourself. Yet you  can be talking to someone and realize that you are talking to yourself when you realize that they aren’t paying attention to you. Have you ever felt this way in prayer? I am with you always, but your awareness of this is subject to change. Do your prayers consist of a list of requests? Consider starting your prayer with the intent to cultivate your own awareness of my presence with you. This may cause you to change your list of requests, but when you are finished you will know that I have heard your prayer. 

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holy longings

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of yourself as being smart? Are you pleased with your ability to study my word for yourself? Some people make it their life’s work to study the scriptures, and you can learn from them. Do you understand that in spiritual matters your heart and spirit can be smarter than your mind? Some things don’t lend themselves to academic study as much as they do to immersion in life experience. You have spiritual longings that you can’t explain. That doesn’t make them any less real. I didn’t intend for these things to be in opposition to each other. They are meant to be natural complements. Study with your understanding and don’t reject the longing of your heart. 

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silent stretch?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard powerful and dynamic speakers and engaged with the emotional enthusiasm of their message, but realized later that there was more entertainment than substance in what they said? Has this ever happened to you in church or conference? It isn’t wrong to be excited, but excitement alone will only carry you so far. Those who shouted ‘Hosanna’ on my entry into Jerusalem didn’t see my visit through to the end. In some churches people exclaim ‘amen’ to affirm things they already understand. They are silent when they are being challenged and stretched, but this is where transformational growth takes place. 

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hard to classify

Dale Cresap's picture

I warned that many would come in my name, but you should be wary of them and look for more than just claiming to represent me. Have you noticed through history how many have used my name to promote their own agenda or cause? But I am not so easily owned. How many people do you meet, even those who follow me, who have strongly held affiliations that define their identity? These can be political or theological ideology and many others. But if I am difficult to classify and enlist, perhaps the same quality should be evident in those who follow me. For their kingdom is my Kingdom, and it is not of this world. 

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