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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you heard believers criticize the church for compromising with the world? The church is supposed to stand for eternal values that never change. Does this imply that any change on the part of a church is a bad thing? Yet the church has changed over time. Setting the question of compromise with the world aside, do you see the influence of the church in the overall culture and society to be increasing or decreasing? There are valid reasons for the church to change that have nothing to do with the surrounding culture. I told a story about wineskins. New wine requires new wineskins. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

David wanted to build me a temple, but I chose Solomon for this task. Do you think these are the only two people who considered this question? I posed a rhetorical question that if I inhabited the heavens, how would you build me a house? Do you think that you build churches for me? I don’t need a roof over my head, or walls, or a place to sit. The church building is for your comfort and convenience as a place to meet. You know that the church is not a building, but a body of people united for the common purpose of seeking me. If you come together for this purpose I will come and be present among you wherever you meet. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

There are a few gender related terms in the Bible. Do you find that women struggle with the references to Sons of God, and men with the idea of being the Bride of Christ? I tell you not to stumble over these concepts. The vast majority of my word is not gender specific, and that includes these passages. References to the Sons of God apply to women as much as to men as do the references to the Bride of Christ. In Christ there is neither male nor female. I’m trying to reveal eternal and transcendent truth to you. Don’t make it hard for me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that prejudice is undesirable, and strive to be free of it? Yet if you abstain from certain practices commonly considered as bad habits, do you find it easier to be judgmental toward those who practice them? In so doing you make a distinction between yourself and others, and create a separation. You may think that you are honoring me in the practices you choose and  the practices you abstain from and you may be right. You can also honor me by accepting your brother who makes a different selection of what to do and what to avoid. Love one another and let every man answer to his own master. 

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your temple

Dale Cresap's picture

David wanted to build me a temple but I chose his son Solomon for this task. Have you ever wanted to build me a temple? I’m not talking about a church building and your body already serves as the temple of the Holy Spirit, yet you can still build a place to meet with me, even if it is in the figurative sense. I am with you always, so it doesn’t have to be a special place, but you can do it by dedicating a special time in your schedule to spend with me. Do not be discouraged if your schedule prevents you from visiting the same place each day. If you devote the time to me I will find you wherever you are.

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hard or easy?

Dale Cresap's picture

I invited those who were weary and burdened to come to me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. You also know that you are saved by grace rather than works, so your effort is not a part of the equation of your salvation. If you accept these things as true do you assume that you will just slide through your life as a believer? Nothing could be more wrong. If you answer my invitation to fulfill my high calling for your life it will be the most difficult thing you will ever do. It will take everything you have and even with your maximum effort it will still take a lifetime to complete. Yet the further you go down this path the more you will realize that it is me and not you, and so those statements about salvation by grace and an easy yoke are still true. 

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you can do it

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever sensed that I was offering you an assignment and you responded by asking how it could happen? In some circles it is considered rude to answer a question with a question. I will ask things of you that are beyond your ability to figure out in advance. That doesn’t mean you can’t do them. If you insist on knowing everything in advance of the first step it will greatly limit what you can accomplish for me, or for yourself, or for anyone else. When I offer you an assignment the correct response is ‘yes’. How it can be accomplished will be supplied to you when it is needed. 

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love your enemies

Dale Cresap's picture

I tell you to love your enemies and pray for  them. Does this imply that you need to keep a list of them so that you can pray for them consistently? Prayer lists can be effective reminders but this approach is prone to problems.  Can you keep track of your enemies with gracious intent to love  them rather than to review the reasons why there is an offense between you and why you are right? If you approach this task properly it will give you life. Your prayer of love and blessing for those who have hurt you is a blessing to you, for it releases you from the power of your past to hinder your present and future. 

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instant miracles?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think that miracles must happen in an instant to be authentic? If a miracle is something that can’t happen without my intervention then there is no need to impose a time constraint. If something won’t happen without me and it does happen then it is just as much of a miracle whether it is instant or over a long period of time. Do you need a miracle in your own life? Do you want it right now? That is understandable but I have my own schedule and agenda. A transformed life only occurs with my intervention. It is a worthy goal and a miracle even if it takes a lifetime to occur. In patience possess your souls. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

What is your level of self-esteem? Do you think it is too low? You hear about this as a serious problem everywhere you go. Do you ever encounter someone who thinks their level of self-esteem is too high? Yet my word is full of admonitions to be humble and lowly in heart. Do you find anything in my word to tell you to think more highly of yourself than would otherwise? Yet the answer is not to heap condemnation on yourself. That is false humility because it is still an expression of self-consciousness, even if expressed negatively. Let go of your ego management project and look to me. 

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