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coming soon?

Dale Cresap's picture

I promised that I would return and you can count on that. I did not disclose all the details about how this would come about and when, and people have been trying to figure it out ever since. Can you leave it in my hands? If it were important for you to know when I would have told you. You know when your taxes are due and you can plan for that. There is a purpose for my withholding the schedule for end time events. Yet you can prepare for them by following me, being instant in season and out of season, having your loins girded and your lamps burning. If you walk with me you will be ready even if you don’t know when I am coming. 

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head of the body

Dale Cresap's picture

Different organizations have different structures according to their nature. Hierarchies have a branching structure of authority that rolls up and converges to a single point. Most denominations are organized this way and have a  headquarters at some location. This is also typical of businesses and governments. But the Christian faith as a whole does not does not have a headquarters. In this regard it is more like a computer network, with nodes and connections but no geographic center. But my body does have a unifying authority, just not one with a street address. 

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spiritually attractive

Dale Cresap's picture

Some people are physically attractive and this is highly rated in your culture. Yet beauty is vain and it is considered more noble to regard people for their mind than for their body. Yet haven’t you met people with unattractive minds? This is worse than having an unattractive body. Is there another alternative? Are you discerning enough to see who is spiritually attractive? Some people have qualities of grace and generosity of spirit than shine through even if they have only moderate intellects. You shouldn’t be surprised if you find them attractive regardless of their physical appearance. 

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what to eat?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to eat? Who doesn’t? I talked with a woman at a well when my disciples had gone to get bread. When they returned I told them that I had bread they knew not of. They didn’t understand this. Do you? What nourishes your soul? Think about this and don’t limit yourself to the stock answers that must be right because they sound spiritual. What makes you eager to get up in the morning and what sort of opportunities do you look forward to, or strive to make for yourself? What makes you feel fully alive? Even if it isn’t a “spiritual” activity, if you encounter me during it in a state of total awareness and involvement, it is spiritual for that reason alone. 

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right place?

Dale Cresap's picture

Once a woman asked me about the right place to worship (she was trying to change the subject). She wondered if it was the mountain where her ancestors worshipped, or where the Jews worshipped, convinced that it must be a particular location. Today most believers are not so concerned about geographical location, yet they extend the same principle to finding the right church. Yet my answer to the woman was neither of these. Not where, but how. I told her that true worship was in spirit and in truth. If you take the same approach and set your heart to worship me in spirit and in truth you don’t have to worry about being in the right place. I will come and find you. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word mentions the discerning of spirits as a spiritual gift. Do you see this as an awareness of the presence and identity of demons? It doesn’t have to be this stark, but it can be more in other ways. Can you hear what is being left unsaid? Do you realize when people are not living out of the truth of their being? Discernment in a general sense is awareness and understanding. Can you see how useful these are to assist others in finding their way to me on their own path? The gifts I give are available to those who desire them. If it is the longing of your heart to minister in this way then ask me for this ability. 

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course corrections

Dale Cresap's picture

Even when you drive somewhere with total focus on getting to your destination, you don’t lock the steering wheel in place. In like manner when you follow me with all your heart with singleness of purpose the process involves continual course corrections. Do not be discouraged if it seems that you move in one direction and are then brought back to center. You are still making progress and you have things to learn from every segment of your path. Do you see your one true objective to follow me? Do you see that I lead you every step of the way, and that seeming course changes are a part of my purpose and plan?

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe the Bible? Some people say, ‘I believe it and that settles it’. But believing is a place to begin, not to end. Believing is an invitation to engage, to consider the mysteries of the Bible and make them your own. Beware of the temptation to grab at easy answers. These will give you some immediate satisfaction in resolving the tension of difficult questions, but there is more to learn if you are willing to stay open to the questions as you walk. True spirituality is simple but not easy. Let the Bible be your companion on your spiritual journey.

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other sheep

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see my word as a book of timeless truth? I said that I had other sheep who were not of this fold. At the time this was spoken of you. Yet the principle is still true now that you are on the inside. I said that my Kingdom was not of this world. Throughout all the developments of history and politics this principle still holds true today. I said that a prophet is not without honor, except among his own people. I was referring to myself, and the poor reception I got in my home town. Yet even today you can ask people with prophetic ministries where they are well-received, and it isn’t in their home town. If you want to serve me in this way be prepared to travel. 

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