February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think joy and happiness are the same thing? Joy is a Biblical concept but the Bible says little about happiness, but those around you, even your fellow believers, mention happiness more than joy. Happiness is an emotional state and as such it is more a response than a cause, and can fluctuate according to conditions. Joy has a basis and is therefore more enduring. I told my disciples to rejoice not that the demons were subject to them, but to rejoice that their names were written in the Book of Life. This enduring condition applies to you as well and you can and should rejoice for the same reason. Do you want to be happy? Reflect on all the reasons you have to rejoice and do so. Then happiness will flow out of the fullness of your joy. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the concept of karma? Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. Grace is undeserved favor, getting good things you didn’t deserve. Doesn’t that sound like a better deal than karma? Yet if you mention the two terms anywhere other than in a church you can expect a more favorable response for karma. The Biblical term for this is righteousness by works of the law. Why is grace offensive? There is something in human nature that wants to be deserving, that wants a reward for effort. A free gift seems too good to be true. But to accept it is to forever acknowledge dependence and the end of self-improvement projects by your own effort. The death that this involves is the only way to eternal life. 

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life and death

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you understand that if you are saved you will go to heaven when you die? Yet the Bible teachers assure you that eternal life is available now. Do you see how both of these can be true? For the Bible teaches you to lay down your life and die to yourself that you may follow me. Have you read these passages and considered them a fearful burden? I want you to see them in a positive light. It is true that death and eternity are connected, but you don’t have to wait until the end of your life to experience either one. If you are willing to apply these passages you can have eternal life now if you die now. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Do you think of this as a statement with deep and dark meaning? You could also view it in a very simple sense, that where you spend your money is a true indicator of the condition of your heart. Some people are spendthrifts, but even those who are otherwise frugal tend to have an area in which they spend freely. What you value is an indication of your values. Your area of greatest spending isn’t necessarily an idol, but it is a good place to start looking for them. If your heart is in my Kingdom you will demonstrate it by generosity with your treasure. 

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How Religion makes it harder to hear me

Mark Holloway's picture

Mark you know this is me talking. You know it without a doubt. Yes the religious tell you that it’s not me, but you know it is, and thousands of others know that too now. Now that they’ve experienced it themselves they know it’s me.

Yes of course you experience doubt, even John the Baptist struggled with Doubt. And yet at the same time you know this is me.

You know that there’s no way that you could make up words that bring you the complete sense of restoration that these words do.

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Satan's Passion to Steal God's Voice from Humanity

Mark Virkler's picture

God's original intention was daily walks in the garden in the cool of the day where He would talk with mankind. Satan stole this precious relationship by planting the idea that we could skip these walks and become wise on our own. He deceived us into believing we didn't need God's voice: "YOU can be like God, KNOWING good and evil" (Gen. 3:5).

"You" became humanism (it is about me and my effort) and "know" became rationalism, it is about what I reason out. These are both lies, and the lies continue...


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fish story?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you skeptical of the story of Jonah because you think it is a fish story? Yet I mentioned it in reference to the similarities to my own story. You could look beyond the fish to see the real essence of the story is about a reluctant prophet. I called Jonah to serve me and he did it under protest, to put it mildly. He was my prophet but he was full of prejudice and he did not share my values. My word teaches you to love your enemies and I was trying to teach Jonah the same lesson, which he was slow to learn. Do you look upon your enemies as a ministry opportunity and rejoice when they respond and I pour out grace upon them? I'm leaving town for a few days.


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rich and poor

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think the Bible implies that it is better to be poor than to be rich? Do you see comfort there for the poor and warnings to the wealthy? Yet who is eager to be poor to be blessed? The real problem isn’t money, but the love of money, and the greed, pride, control issues, and idolatry that follow. Do you understand that everything you have is a gift from me, even your very life and existence? Don’t lose sight of this as your blessings increase and think you obtained them yourself. Maintain an attitude of humility and gratitude and my gifts to you will be a blessing rather than a curse. You can be poor in spirit even if you are rich. 

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men and women

Dale Cresap's picture

I created man and said that it was not good for him to be alone, so I made a companion suitable for him. Men and women have been attracted to each other ever since. And I said that it was good, but there is the risk for both men and women that they will seek in relationship with each other what they can only find in me. This is a form of idolatry and it leads to expectations that no one can fulfill. This creates pressures to force apart what I have joined together. Substituting anything for the fulfillment I alone can give will cause you grief, anguish, and loss. Seek me first and all your other affections and expectations will be properly ordered.

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Dale Cresap's picture

I warned against the pitfalls of affluence, and an objective reading of the Bible would make you think it is something to be avoided. But who can read the Bible objectively enough to turn down wealth if it is offered to them? Do you understand that money brings with it a mindset of control and sufficiency? The poor have to trust in me because they have no resources of their own. They are not surprised when trouble comes for they see it as an inherent part of life. Have you seen the wealthy bewildered in trials because they thought their money would prevent them? I’m prepared to open the windows of heaven to bless you. Make it easy for me and don’t set your heart on riches when they increase. 

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