February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

know it all

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever met someone who is a know-it-all? This would appear to be a desirable trait and a person to be sought out and inquired of, since knowledge has value and confers power. Yet have you ever heard this term used as a compliment? Doesn’t it rather refer to someone who is full of half-truths, opinions, and endless arguments, that you prefer to avoid? Such people are full of pride, contention, and strife, so perhaps it would be better to refer to them as a no-it-all. My word says that knowledge puffs up, and you can see the evidence of it. Yet don’t you also observe that the truly wise and knowledgeable are eager to listen and learn? Blessed are those who know they know in part. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

My word tells you to be angry and sin not. It implies that you can be angry without sinning, but how often does this happen? Little children display their feelings visibly. They can’t help it. Adults learn to be less transparent, except when it comes to anger. Have you noticed how the atmosphere in a room changes when an angry person walks in, even before they slam the door? Anger contains negative energy that is hard to hide, and people respond to it by reflex, erecting defenses or opposing it with anger instinctively. In this way anger can lead to escalating sin before words are even spoken. It is better not to give anger a place to take hold. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you believe in the power of prayer, that it changes things on earth? Yet sometimes you do not see these changes immediately. Would you be surprised to know that prayer changes things in heaven? And that the effect is immediate? How could anything be improved in heaven? Yet my word clearly teaches that the prayers of the saints are like incense in my presence, creating a sweet fragrance in heaven. You will see the results with your own eyes when the time is right. Until then I value them so much that I keep them in my throne room, stored securely in special vials. 

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faith and science

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see science and faith locked in irreconcilable conflict? Does it have to be this way? There are too many Christians and scientists that divide into warring camps and see the battle as a winner-take-all struggle. Christians could acknowledge that when I created the world I didn’t explain how I did it, and that when I wrote the Bible I didn’t include a timeline. Scientists could acknowledge that they can speak with authority only to observable things that yield to generalized explanations. Scientists can admit to having unanswered questions because science isn’t all-encompassing. Humility and charity on both sides would facilitate peace between them. 

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sojourn at your own pace

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see your spiritual life as a sojourn and a pilgrimage? This is a good way to think of it, but do not think that you are taking this journey alone. Even so you are not marching in formation with others. Perhaps it is better to think of it as a caravan. This is a loosely coordinated journey for those with a common destination. They all make progress toward that destination but do not have to march in step. You can expect to find support and encouragement along the way from the fellow travelers you meet because you are going to the same place. You can do this without keeping pace with them or forcing them to keep pace with you. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

What term do you use to describe amazing or noteworthy things? “Awesome” has come into common usage, and its power and true meaning have been diluted by casual overuse. Isaiah saw me and cried woe unto himself because he had seen the Lord. The disciple that I loved was given a revelation of heaven and he fell down as a dead man. These men were experiencing true awe, but if you use this term to describe every new video or restaurant, what term will you use to describe an encounter with me? True awe is an intense peak experience you can barely endure, but it is transforming and I will provide it for you if you desire to receive it. 

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know it all?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to be able to answer every man concerning the hope that lies within you. Do you feel that you have to have an answer for everything? These are not the same thing. It is good for you to know that I created the universe, and man in my image. You don’t need to know how old it is. The implications of my acts of creation are the same regardless of the time interval. If you insist on having an answer for every question you will grasp for answers that are wrong. There is tension in living with unresolved questions, but it is a healthy tension that leads you into truth, and you should not be afraid to live in it. 

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