February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

Do you ever encounter churches or individual believers who seem threatened by questions? Dealing with matters of the world that you see and the world that you do not see provokes difficult questions in your search to unify them in eternal truth. Some people will give you ready-made answers that seem unsatisfactory as premature or incomplete. Dont grab a wrong answer just to have an answer quickly. It is better to walk with an unanswered question. I want you to know that I am not threatened by your questions.

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You cannot set out on a mystical journey, a trip dictated by the silent voice, and then expect....

Mark Holloway's picture

You cannot set out on a mystical journey, a trip dictated by the silent voice, and then expect to complete the journey listening to your own or other minds.

God I’ve got a good friend who spends his whole life asking you for the next step in his journey but you are just about driving him mad. 

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doctrinal differences?

Dale Cresap's picture

Are there some doctrinal points on which you differ with other believers? How far are you willing to go to defend them? Have you ever entered a debate over these issues? If you get in an argument with another believer on such a matter and it is observed by an unbeliever, will it make them more or less likely to embrace the points of faith that you do have in common? There can be tension between your desire for unity and your desire for truth. You can hold your beliefs graciously without generating strife and contention. If you are to suffer yourself to be defrauded rather than to sue a fellow believer, you can do this too. 

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typical sin?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of some sins as being typical of men and others as being typical of women? There may be a basis for these stereotypes, but this is not a helpful line of reasoning. The vast majority of the Bible is not gender specific, and the same rules apply for all. Even lust isn’t exclusively male. The Biblical method for applying the rules is to examine yourself and judge yourself. To look outward to others and make evaluations and generalizations is not helpful for your spiritual growth and generates strife and contention. Assume that everything applies to you, judge yourself that you would not be judged, and extend grace and mercy to others. 

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dieting and fasting

Dale Cresap's picture

My word speaks of fasting as a spiritual exercise. Dieting is culturally familiar concept, and both involve voluntarily going without food. Do you think they are the same thing? The same activity can be different depending on the motivation and purpose. You diet to lose weight. Why do you fast? Traditionally it has been a means of spiritual growth, a separation from the things of this world to encounter the things of God. If you need to lose weight that can be a beneficial side effect, but those who diet do not encounter God as a side effect. Two people doing the same thing for different reasons are not doing the same thing. 

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life and death

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of reincarnation as a Hindu concept? The term implies death and rebirth in a physical sense. You reject this as being contrary to the Bible and rightly so. Yet the Bible is full of imagery of death and rebirth in a spiritual sense. You are called to lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow me. You are taught to be a living sacrifice and that a grain of wheat must die to bring forth fruit. Baptism is a symbol of death, burial and resurrection. Paul affirmed these concepts when he said that he died daily, but he understood that the death he experienced brought forth life in others. Do you understand this? How are these concepts working in your own life? 

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Two of Religion’s favourite ways to deceive my people.

Mark Holloway's picture

Two of Religion’s favourite ways to deceive my people. He pretends his voice is mine – and he convinces you to let others hear me on your behalf.

Mark Religion is one of Satan’s most powerful demons. He has to be. Religion’s duty is to keep my people under control and away from free communication with me – to keep them miles from me and yet at the same time thinking they are very close. Religion’s job is too dangerous for a lesser demon. That’s why Satan chose someone as powerful and vile as him for the job.

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Dale Cresap's picture

Everyone has an image of themselves. What is the basis for yours? What do you identify with? Do you think that the more things your identity is attached to the better, because it gives you a richer life? There is a downside to this. Your emotional attachments make you vulnerable to manipulation and control from outside influences, and your well-being is a product of things external to you, making you unstable like a double-minded man tossed about by the waves. Your identity should be more stable than that. You can enjoy all these things, but be selective in your emotional investments and choose them wisely. 

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sin score?

Dale Cresap's picture

In most games a higher score is better. In others, like golf, a lower score is better. You know that sin is bad and you should not practice it. You are not to sin that grace may abound. Having said that, have you noticed that some believers like to keep score, and that a lower sin score is better? This attitude is not a reflection of Kingdom principles. For you have seen those who have a low ‘sin score’ who also seem to have no hunger for righteousness or passion for the Kingdom of God. Those who are aware that they are forgiven much love much, but he who is forgiven little loves little. Love much and don’t keep score of sins. 

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iron will

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you able to carry out everything you intend? Most people will acknowledge that they fall short of implementing everything they want to do. I said that the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. Paul the apostle said that the good that he would do he did not. Yet have you known a few people with an ‘iron will’ who were able to do what they intended? But what sort of person were they? Were they achieving love and righteousness by strength of will? Were they pleasant company? Don’t you find people with an iron will to be difficult, selfish, and stubborn? The stronger your will is more it can take you places you don’t want to go. You enter the Kingdom of God by surrender. 

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