February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!


Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. This has created a debate about which day is the Sabbath for conducting worship services. I can resolve this question for you. Worship every day. The original purpose of the Sabbath was not for joining together for worship but for a day of rest. You can’t take every day off, but you can worship every day. I’m not as rigid and dogmatic as you may think. I’m prepared to grant you a great deal of latitude in scheduling your times of joining together with other believers for fellowship. Let each one be convinced in his own mind, and keep meditating on what it means to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. 

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one body

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you see the Christian world divided into two categories – those who earn their living in full time Christian service and everyone else? Do you see a sharp line of division between these categories, with no question about which one is superior? This distinction matters more to you than it does to me. I see all of my children as being my children all the time. Even the apostle Paul worked to provide his own support when it was appropriate. I don’t want to discourage you from giving generously to support my work, for the workman is worthy of his wages. I just don’t want you to use this as a distinction to divide my body. 

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the devil

Dale Cresap's picture

How much attention do you pay to the devil? You do have an adversary who seeks to devour you but if you resist him he will flee from you. He loves attention and you shouldn’t give him any more than you have to. Are you familiar with the creeds of the faith that are concise summaries of doctrine? Have you noticed that the devil isn’t mentioned in them? My word repeatedly tells you to be as little children and to be as innocent as doves. If you want victory over the devil don’t look to him, but look to me. I can fight him more effectively than you can, and I can keep you better than you can keep yourself. 

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Bad Humor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever used humor as a weapon? Do you make different jokes when you are angry than when you are not? Is humor a socially acceptable form of hostility? Humor can be harmless, and even used in a positive sense to diffuse tension, but it can also be used to harm. You know this because you have been on the receiving end of cruel jokes. If you would speak words of truth and life then consider how your words will be received, not only by those present, but by those who are absent as well, because word gets around. Don’t use humor as an excuse to speak words without grace and love. 

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chosen people?

Dale Cresap's picture

My word teaches you that I chose a certain people to represent me on earth, the nation of Israel. Do you assume that this mantle now falls to all Christians collectively? I didn’t claim the Jews for their own sake or for exclusivity, but that they should be a light for all the nations. I told my disciples that I had other sheep who were not of this fold. I was referring to you, and now I tell you the same thing. For I have also called you to let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify me. So I didn’t choose you for exclusivity any more than I chose Israel. Continue to let your light shine to penetrate and overtake the darkness. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Can you do supernatural acts at will? Perhaps you think this is presumptuous. You know that only I can do supernatural acts. Do you think that the assumption that you could do them at will would place me under your authority rather than you under mine? Yet consider the other alternatives. Many people in the guise of submission to my will take a role of passive indifference. They assume that if I want to act through them in a supernatural way that I know where to find them. I consider this approach as bad as the first. Those who see my supernatural power operate in their lives know that they do not command me, but they are still eager and aggressive in pushing forward for it. Try me. I won’t be offended. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

You would do anything to protect your children from harm and rightly so. Yet your ability to do this is limited and they will be exposed to some cuts and bruises, and some heartache and sorrow in the process of growing up. Do you see that it is better this way? What kind of people would they be if they were shielded from everything unpleasant? How would you have turned out under the same circumstances? You call me Father and you are right. My ability to protect my children from every pain and sorrow is greater than yours, but you can see that I don’t do it. Can you see how this is better for you, and a true expression of my love? 

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too smart?

Dale Cresap's picture

Intelligence may be the most widely admired trait, and another universally accepted rule is that more is better. So can you be too smart for your own good? You have heard this phrase applied to people and have an intuitive grasp that it is possible. My word does not regard intelligence as the greatest good. It does point out that not many wise and noble by the standards of this world are called to the Kingdom of God. In ancient times I warned against trusting in the arm of flesh. A more modern version that is also Biblical is not to trust in your own reasoning. If your superior intellect keeps you out of my Kingdom then you really are too smart for your own good. 

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continuous duty

Dale Cresap's picture

Is your church your only source of spiritual life? I hope your pastor would not approve of this. It is beneficial for you to have regular direct contact with a particular group of other believers, that you not forsake the assembling of yourselves together. It is not good for man to be alone applies to more than marriage. You make the job of your adversaries easier if you are isolated. But you should think of your life in me as continuous rather than in periodic episodes. My word teaches that when you come together that everyone should bring something to contribute and implies that they should have the opportunity. It is more blessed to give than to receive applies to more than money. 

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