February Special: Overflow of the Spirit Training Package & Free Video Event
Learn How to Release All the Gifts of the Spirit in Every Area of Life!

sow and reap

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping? Many people are frequently reminded of this by those taking offerings, and many people consider it warily because of excesses and abuses by televangelists. They may have a basis for caution, but that does not negate the fact that sowing and reaping is a Biblical principle. Be as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove in your giving, for you want it to be used responsibly to advance the work of my Kingdom. Be led by my Spirit, and trust that your giving in obedience to me is really giving to me. 

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where was God?

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever heard someone say, where was God when I needed him? Who hasn’t? Who hasn’t said it themselves? Although this is phrased in the form of a question, do you see that in most cases it is really intended as an accusation? If the expectation is that God will be with you always and you are not aware of his presence, then it is a fair question, but you will only get an answer if you pursue it as a question rather than an accusation. If you are willing to revisit the experience from this perspective, I will comfort and reassure you by showing you how I was with you in your darkest hour. 

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dying churches?

Dale Cresap's picture

I taught clearly about dying to yourself that you may live, to lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow me. These may not be anyone’s favorite Bible verses, but they present a strong and unified theme that you cannot ignore. You meet some individuals that take them seriously. Paul died daily, always bearing about my death in his own body. Do you think this ends with individuals? My body is composed of many members, and some things that apply to individuals can be scaled up to groups of believers, such as churches. Are you prepared to see churches die to themselves that they may live? 

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simple message

Dale Cresap's picture

What types of communication do you find to be most effective? Do you find that those who tie their points to vivid and visible illustrations add impact to their message and make it easier to accept and to remember? Do you try to do this yourself? I certainly did. I said that the Kingdom of God (which is invisible and transcendent) was like lilies of the field, sowing seed, finding a lost coin, and putting a candle on a candlestick. I used whatever was handy to make my point. Yet when you present the gospel do you feel it is so important that it can only be told in abstract theological terms? I tell you it is so important that it can be told in simple terms. 

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church growth?

Dale Cresap's picture

If church A takes seriously the Great Commission and conducts an evangelization campaign, and many people respond to the gospel message and become believers, and they all go on to attend church B, should church A consider their evangelization campaign to be a success? This depends on their purpose for preaching the gospel. Do not confuse your obedience to the eternal principles of my Kingdom with your program for church growth. Do not create a linkage between these things when I have not. I commissioned you to proclaim my message and promised that I would build my church. If you do your part I will do my part and I will commend you as a good and faithful servant. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you engage in habitual practices of your faith? Hopefully your purpose in doing this was to encounter and engage with my presence. If this was your intention it was probably successful at first, but have you noticed that rituals can take on a life of their own whether they serve their original purpose or not? Ritual can be as much a way to hide from me as it is to find me. You know that habits can be good or bad, but the same activity that started as a good habit can become a bad one without you realizing it. Review the practices of your faith frequently and consider how to keep them fresh and new like my mercies every morning. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

I stated that I came to give you an abundant life. What do you think that involves? Many people think of it in terms of more stuff, but this is what the gentiles seek and I also said that the abundance of a man’s life does not consist of what he possesses. If you examine the lives of people you considered to have spiritual abundance do you find that they are wealthy? Then in what way do they have abundance? Do you see in them a great capacity for intense engagement and experience, not only for joy and ecstasy, but also for pain and sorrow?

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Dale Cresap's picture

Do you think of blood only when it is spilled? Life is in the blood, and your life continues because your blood circulates within you whether you give it any thought or not. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, but this has been taken care of for you so it doesn’t require the shedding of your own blood. I have called you to be a living sacrifice. You are mine whether you live or die, and neither death nor life shall separate you from my love. Until your appointed time to step into eternity comes think of yourself as a living sacrifice and your blood circulating to animate your service to me. 

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Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever encountered a situation in which someone whose prayers are not answered is told that they didn’t have enough faith? Have you ever said this to someone yourself? Isn’t it bad enough that they aren’t getting the healing or other outcome they want without this added burden of condemnation? I chided my followers for having little faith and said that even a mustard seed worth of faith would enable you to cast a mountain into the sea. Do you conclude from this that prayer is a formula and enough effort in the way of faith will guarantee results? This is a misunderstanding of prayer and a way in which you should never judge others. 

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